Dimitri Endrizzi, Ph.D. in Political Studies from Universidad Externado de Colombia. Sociologist from Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy. Professor Endrizzi has been a researcher on migration issues at the History Museum in Trento, Italy, and professor of Research Methodology at Universidad Externado de Colombia, in Bogotá, a teacher in the Faculty of Law of Universidad Católica de Colombia as well as a researcher of the group Phronesis at the Faculty of Law of Universidad Católica de Colombia.
Jairo Becerra, Ph.D in Law and Political Science from Universidad de Barcelona. Lawyer and specialist in Political Science and International Law. Consultant, researcher of the research group in Public Law and ICT of the Law School at Universidad Católica de Colombia, and professor of Public Policy and Law in Information and Communication Technologies, International Law, and Aeronautical and Space Law. Member of the International Institute of Space Law – IISLand the Ibero-American Federation of Associations.
Eduardo Andrés Perafán Del Campo, Ph.D.(c) in Social Sciences – Dynamics and Changes in Space and Society of Globalization -from Universidad de Granada, Spain. Master’s in political and International Studies and Political Scientist from Universidad del Rosario, Colombia. Academic editor of Novum Jus Law Journal. Professor and researcher of the research group in Public Law and ICT of the Law School at Universidad Católica de Colombia. Analyst and consultant in public and international affairs.
Jaime Cubides Cárdenas, Lawyer and specialist in Public Law at Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, specialist and a Master’s degree in Teaching and research with an emphasis on the legal sciences of Universidad Sergio Arboleda and holds a Master’s Degree in Law from the same University. Ph.D. student in Law at the Universidad Católica de Colombia. Researcher, Associate professor, and leader of the Research Group Person, Institutions and Demands for Justice of Universidad Católica de Colombia.
Gamarra-Amaya, Attorney. LL.M in International Legal Studies from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. Admitted to the New York Bar. Extensive litigation experience in the field of insurance defense in New York City. Professor of Public and Private International Law at Universidad Católica de Colombia and Executive Editor of Novum Jus Law Journal. Regional Organizer of the Latin American Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court.
4 Ebooks bởi Jairo Becerra
Jairo Becerra: El principio de libertad en el derecho espacial
La concepción actual de nuestra sociedad, en gran parte del mundo (desde la Revolución Francesa y las guerras de independencia en América), se sustenta en cuatro principios fundamentales: la igualdad …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Jairo Becerra & Germán Flórez: El derecho y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC)
La normativa sobre las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) ha tenido un acelerado crecimiento en los últimos 15 años en Colombia y este ha permitido consolidar el derecho TIC como u …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Jairo Becerra & Lorenzo Cotino: La responsabilidad del Estado por la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC)
El presente libro fue elaborado por el grupo de investigación en Derecho Público y TIC, G-TICCY de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, como resultado del proyecto de investigación sobre la responsab …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Dimitri Endrizzi & Jairo Becerra: Frontiers – Law, Theory and Cases
This book focuses on current frontier-related issues such as humanitarian crises, economic crises, discrimination of migrants in certain countries, different typologies of borders such as land, marit …