Tác giả: James Matthew Barrie

Ủng hộ
Sir James Matthew Barrie, geboren 1860 in Kirriemuir, war ein schottischer Schriftsteller und Dramatiker. Seine bekannteste Figur, ›Peter Pan‹, wurde durch Pflegekinder inspiriert, die er großzog. Er vermachte alle Rechte daran einem Londoner Kinderkrankenhaus.

89 Ebooks bởi James Matthew Barrie

James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. A Chrysanthemu …
James Matthew Barrie: The Little Minister
“The Little Minister” is an 1891 novel by J. M Barrie. Sir James Matthew Barrie (1860 – 1937) was a Scottish novelist and playwright most famous as being the creator of Peter Pan. Other notable works …
J. M. Barrie: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens and Peter and Wendy
‘Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens’ and ‘Peter and Wendy’ combines the two main works from which we find J. M. Barrie’s most popular character, Peter Pan. In Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens we are firs …
J. M. Barrie: Peter Pan
James Matthew Barrie’s ‘Peter Pan’ is considered one of the greatest fantasy tales ever written. It is the story of a boy who wouldn’t grow up. Follow Peter Pan with Wendy to Neverland and share in t …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
His name has become a metaphor for one who will never grow old. Peter Pan by JM Barrie is the story of a boy who remains a boy while the world around him changes.Sir James Mathew Barrie was a Scottis …
J. M. Barrie: James Matthew Barrie, Peter Pan
Er wird niemals erwachsen, und er kann fliegen – Peter Pan! Die Stücke und Geschichten aus der Feder des Schotten James M. Barrie machten ihn unsterblich, zahlreiche Verfilmungen trugen ihm und seine …
tiếng Đức
James Matthew Barrie: Auld Licht Idylls
A collection of stories of Scottish life, charmingly written, full of the grace and humor that characterize this writer’s productions. If there is a drawback to the pleasure of reading them, it is th …
James Matthew Barrie: When a Man’s Single – A Tale of Literary Life
The career of a young Scotchman’ ‘Rob Angus, ‘ is the subject of this novel. He is unusually gifted and clever, though born among the working people of a little Scotch village. His literary career is …
James Matthew Barrie: My Lady Nicotine – A Study in Smoke
My Lady Nicotine ‘—a book that suggests but is very unlike ‘ The Reveries of a Bachelor.’ The former is urban : the latter is provincial. A briar pipe filled with Arcadia Mixture starts the reveries …
James Matthew Barrie: The Little Minister
The ‘Little Minister’ is a light comedy, filled with a delicate romance and brightened with the humors of Thrums. It is a light comedy, despite the ambitious strain of the love passages, and the ente …
James Matthew Barrie: Sentimental Tommy
This is the annotated edition including a rare and very detailed essay about the life and works of the author. To turn from George Eliiot’s Tom Tulliver to Sentimental Tommy is to encounter the malad …
James Matthew Barrie: Tommy And Grizel
A novel to be liked, or resented, as you will, but not to be ignored. When ‘Sentimental Tommy’ closed with two remarkable children just entering upon maturity, this sequel was foreshadowed. The scene …
James Matthew Barrie: The Little White Bird
Where did Peter Pan come from? There is a very general conception that he stepped from Mr. Barrie’s day-dreams straight upon the boards. But those who remember that delicate piece of sentiment, ‘The …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens
J. M. Barrie tells the first adventures of Peter Pan in the form of a fairy story, settles the first questions of children in regard to their advent into the world, by picturing a pre-existence on an …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan (Peter and Wendy)
This book J. M. Barrie was to the last generation what ‘Alice in Wonderland’ was to the one before. Written with all that indescribable charm that has endeared him to thousands, it tells the story of …
James Matthew Barrie: Echoes Of The War
This is the annotated edition including a rare and very detailed essay about the life and works of the author. It is a common tribute to Sir Barrie that he is whimsical. We might repeat that tribute …
James Matthew Barrie: A Window in Thrums
‘A Window in Thrums” is a very curious realistic production, but it cannot rightly be called a novel. It is rather a series of detached pictures taken from the domestic life of a Scotch weaver’s fam …
James Matthew Barrie: My Best Plays
James M. Barrie was not only the creator of Peter Pan and the other famous characters of that story. He was also a brilliant dramatist and the best of his theatre works are represented in this editio …
James Matthew Barrie: The Collected Works of James Matthew Barrie
This comprehensive e Book presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 7098 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • Bet …
James Matthew Barrie & James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan: Peter and Wendy
All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another flow …
James Matthew Barrie & James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan makes night-time calls on the Darlings’ house in Bloomsbury, listening in on Mrs. Mary Darling’s bedtime stories by the open window. One night Peter is spotted and, while trying to escape, …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan büyümeyi reddeden haylaz bir çocuktur. Bitmeyen çocukluğunu Varolmayan Ülke (Neverland) adındaki küçük adada çocuk çetesiyle maceradan maceraya atılarak Kaptan Hook’a meydan okuyarak geçirm …
Tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington
Peter ha solo sette giorni di vita e, come tutti i neonati, è per metà un uccellino, per questo riesce a volare via dalla sua casa di Londra e a tornare ai Giardini di Kensington da dove era arrivato …
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James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan, the book based on J.M. Barrie’s famous play, is filled with unforgettable characters: Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up; the fairy, Tinker Bell; the evil pirate, Captain Hook; and t …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan, the book based on J.M. Barrie’s famous play, is filled with unforgettable characters: Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up; the fairy, Tinker Bell; the evil pirate, Captain Hook; and t …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan es un personaje ficticio creado por el escritor escocés James Matthew Barrie para una obra de teatro estrenada en Londres el 27 de diciembre de 1904 llamada Peter Pan y Wendy. Peter Pan es …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan is a fictional character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. A free-spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly and never grows up, Peter Pan spends his never-endin …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan, the book based on J.M. Barrie's famous play, is filled with unforgettable characters: Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up; the fairy, Tinker Bell; the evil pirate, Captain Hook; a …
James Matthew Barrie: A window in Thrums
When the English publishers read “A Window in Thrums” in manuscript they thought it unbearably sad and begged me to alter the end. They warned me that the public do not like sad books. We …
tiếng Pháp
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Barrie's story about a boy who never grew up. The three children of the Darling family receive a visit from Peter Pan, who takes them to Never Land, where an ongoing war between Peter's gang …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Tutte le sere, a Londra, in casa Darling la giovane Wendy intrattiene i suoi due fratellini con le affascinanti storie della banda di capitan Uncino, il mitico pirata che non ha paura di nulla tranne …
tiếng Ý
James Matthew Barrie: Le avventure di Peter Pan
Traduzione di Paolo Falcone Edizione integrale «Nel momento in cui dubiti di poter volare, perdi per sempre la facoltà di farlo». È questa la ragione che spiega il mistero, semplice eppure profondo, …
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James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington
Peter Pan nei Giardini di Kensington è una stupenda favola creata dallo scrittore scozzese James Matthew Barrie. Il protagonista è molto diverso da quello che si conosce, è un ba …
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James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington. Peter Pan e Wendy.
Ebook revisionato 18/11/2022. Due romanzi: La storia di “Peter Pan nei Giardini di Kensington” racconta dell’Isola degli Uccelli, dove nascono bambini per metà uccelli e per metà umani. Appena sua ma …
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James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington
Con le illustrazioni originali di Arthur Rackham. Si resta meravigliati a leggere questo grande classico di J.M. Barrie, certamente una delle fiabe più belle di sempre. Come in Alice attraverso lo sp …
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James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
La ‘favola’ di Peter Pan in lingua originale. …
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James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan – testo a fronte
La storia di Peter Pan di J. M. Barrie, tradotta da Eugenia Tuninetti, con testo a fronte in lingua originale. …
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James Matthew Barrie: L’uccellino bianco ovvero le prime avventure di Peter Pan
Quando nel 1902 uscì L’uccellino bianco se ne vendettero in pochissimo tempo più di cinquantamila copie. Non c’era signora, si dice, che andasse ai Giardini senza averlo con sé. Il libro è un ge …
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James Matthew Barrie: The little white bird or the first appearance of Peter Pan
A love story? Something like this and much more. The tale of a friendship between a man and childhood. J.M.Barrie, the author, takes us in paths of dream and helps us to find out our wings to fly fre …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan nei Giardini di Kensington
La fiaba ‘Peter Pan nei Giardini di Kensington’ appare per la prima volta nel romanzo di James Matthew Barrie,  The Little White Bird (1902), precisamente nei capitoli 13-18,  ma sarà solo nei due an …
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James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington
Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington, opera pubblicata nel 1906, è il primo testo dove compare la figura di Peter Pan. Quest’ultimo è universalmente conosciuto come il bambino che non vuole crescere. …
tiếng Ý
James Matthew Barrie: Margaret Ogilvy
pub One.info thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. On the day I was born we bought six hair-bottomed chairs, and in our little house it was an event, the firs …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
pub One.info present you this new edition. If you ask your mother whether she knew about Peter Pan when she was a little girl she will say, "Why, of course, I did, child, " and if you ask h …
James Matthew Barrie: Little White Bird; or, Adventures in Kensington gardens
pub One.info present you this new edition. Sometimes the little boy who calls me father brings me an invitation from his mother: "I shall be so pleased if you will come and see me, " and I …
F. Anstey & James Matthew Barrie: Stories by English Authors: London (Selected by Scribners)
pub One.info present you this new edition. Frequently I have to ask myself in the street for the name of the man I bowed to just now, and then, before I can answer, the wind of the first corner blows …
Various & William Edmondstoune Aytoun: Stories by English Authors: Scotland (Selected by Scribners)
pub One.info present you this new edition. For two years it had been notorious in the square that Sam’l Dickie was thinking of courting T’nowhead’s Bell, and that if Little Sanders Elshioner (which i …
James Matthew Barrie: Admirable Crichton
pub One.info present you this new edition. A moment before the curtain rises, the Hon. Ernest Woolley drives up to the door of Loam House in Mayfair. There is a happy smile on his pleasant, insignifi …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Barrie never described Peter’s appearance in detail, even in the novel Peter and Wendy (1911), leaving much of it to the imagination of the reader and the interpretation of anyone adapting the charac …
J.M. Barrie: Admirable Crichton
Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM, was born in Kirriemuir, Angus the ninth of ten children on May 9th, 1860. From early formative experiences, Barrie knew that he wished to follow a career as …
J.M. Barrie: When a Man’s Single
Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM, was born in Kirriemuir, Angus the ninth of ten children on May 9th, 1860. From early formative experiences, Barrie knew that he wished to follow a career as …
J.M. Barrie: Sentimental Tommy
Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM, was born in Kirriemuir, Angus the ninth of ten children on May 9th, 1860. From early formative experiences, Barrie knew that he wished to follow a career as …
J.M. Barrie: Little Minister
Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM, was born in Kirriemuir, Angus the ninth of ten children on May 9th, 1860. From early formative experiences, Barrie knew that he wished to follow a career as …
J.M. Barrie: Tommy and Grizel
Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM, was born in Kirriemuir, Angus the ninth of ten children on May 9th, 1860. From early formative experiences, Barrie knew that he wished to follow a career as …
J.M. Barrie: Margaret Ogilvy
Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM, was born in Kirriemuir, Angus the ninth of ten children on May 9th, 1860. From early formative experiences, Barrie knew that he wished to follow a career as …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter and Wendy or Peter Pan
Now published by Wisehouse Classics, this is the unabridged Anniversary Edition of the original 1911 published novel ‘Peter and Wendy’ (or ‘Peter Pan’) with the original therteen illustrations by F. …
James Matthew Barrie: My Lady Nicotine
From the creator of Peter Pan and first published in 1890, ‘My Lady Nicotine’ is one of his earlier works, an humorous ode to the power of nicotine. Focusing on his days as a smoker, James Matth …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
‘Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens’ is a novel by James Matthew Barrie, published in 1906, featuring the character he originated, Peter Pan. It tells the story of how Peter left his family as an infant …
James Matthew Barrie: The Little White Bird
First published in 1902, ‘The Little White Bird’ is a fantasy novel by James Matthew Barrie, a series of short episodes with tones ranging from fantasy and whimsy to social comedy with dark aggressiv …
James Matthew Barrie: J. M. BARRIE – Ultimate Collection: 14 Novels & 80+ Short Stories, Plays and Essays (Illustrated)
This carefully crafted ebook: ‘J. M. BARRIE – Ultimate Collection: 14 Novels & 80+ Short Stories, Plays and Essays (Illustrated)’ is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table o …
James Matthew Barrie: Complete Plays of J. M. Barrie
This carefully crafted ebook: ‘Complete Plays of J. M. Barrie’ is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up When Wendy G …
James Matthew Barrie: The Complete Plays of J. M. Barrie – 30 Titles in One Edition
In ‘The Complete Plays of J. M. Barrie – 30 Titles in One Edition’, readers are treated to a comprehensive collection of Barrie’s famous plays, including the beloved classic ‘Peter Pan’. Barrie’s wri …
James Matthew Barrie: The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (Illustrated)
This carefully crafted ebook: ‘The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (Illustrated)’ is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Sir James Matthew Barrie (1860-1937) …
James Matthew Barrie: Lady Nicotina
Publicado en 1890, ‘Lady Nicotina’ es el mejor ensayo sobre el tabaco que jamás haya existido. En una narración digresiva y divertidísima. El protagonista de esta historia ha quedado tristemente huér …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
James Matthew Barrie: The Greatest Works of J. M. Barrie: 90+ Titles in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)
In ‘The Greatest Works of J. M. Barrie: 90+ Titles in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)’, readers are taken on a comprehensive literary journey through the vast and imaginative world of J. M. Barrie. …
James Matthew Barrie: The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations)
The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations) showcases the literary genius of the iconic author, James Matthew Barrie. This comprehensive collection includes his most famous works such as …
J.M. Barrie: Peter Pan
Wendy, Michael and John are sleeping when the window of their nursery blows open and lets in a very remarkable boy, Peter Pan, and his fairy, Tinker Bell. Peter soon entices the three children from t …
J.M. Barrie: Peter Pan
Come Away! Come Away!The Darling children are tucked up in bed when Peter Pan bursts in to their nursery. Peter and his mischievous fairy Tinker Bell entice Wendy and her brothers to fly away with th …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan es un niño que puede volar y que nunca crece. Vive en el País de Nunca Jamás, una isla poblada tanto por piratas como por indios, hadas, y sirenas, y en donde vive numerosas aventuras fantá …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan, the book based on J.M. Barrie's famous play, is filled with unforgettable characters: Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up; the fairy, Tinker Bell; the evil pirate, Captain Hook; a …
James Matthew Barrie: My Lady Nicotine
In ‘My Lady Nicotine’, James Matthew Barrie weaves a whimsical yet poignant narrative that explores the themes of addiction and desire. Through the lens of a young man’s infatuation with both tobacco …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Cerca de los jardines de Kensington, en Londres, vivían Wendy, John y el pequeño Michael. Tenían una niñera muy especial: una grande y dulce perra llamada Nana. Y tenían un amigo todavía más especial …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
James Barrie: Peter and Wendy (illustrated)
This is the original novelization of Peter Pan by the character creator himself, J.M Barrie!The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up was a play that received instant success in English theatres which George Bern …
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Prop dels jardins de Kensington, a Londres, hi vivien la Wendy, en John i el petit Michael. Tenien una mainadera molt especial: una gossota grossa i dolça que es deia Nana. I tenien un amic encara mé …
James Matthew Barrie: Piter Pan dans les jardins de Kensington
‘Piter Pan dans les jardins de Kensington’ est une œuvre poétique et imaginative de James Matthew Barrie, où le lecteur est introduit dans un monde féerique qui juxtapose la réalité avec des éléments …
tiếng Pháp
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Le preguntó dónde vivía, y él miró a las estrellas, señalando un lejano punto en el azul oscuro de la noche. Risueño, vestido en hojas y savia, Peter sonrió y no tardó en convencer a Wendy y sus herm …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
James Matthew Barrie & Patricia L. Latour: Peter Pan
La segunda a la derecha y todo recto hasta la mañana. Según Peter, ese es el camino al País de Nunca Jamás, el mágico lugar al que llevará a Wendy y sus hermanos, y donde vivirán increíbles aventuras …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Drift off into Neverland with Peter Pan, Wendy, and Tinkerbell on their magical adventures! This childhood classic is filled with wonder, imagination, Captial Hook, and the Crocodile… The main char …
James Matthew Barrie: The Collected Works
James Matthew Barrie’s ‘The Collected Works’ is an extensive anthology that encapsulates the author’s profound contributions to literature, showcasing his beloved tales of whimsical imagination along …
James Matthew Barrie: The Complete Works
James Matthew Barrie’s ‘The Complete Works’ presents a comprehensive anthology of the Scottish playwright and author’s oeuvre, encapsulating his whimsical yet poignant exploration of childhood, imagi …
James Matthew Barrie: Piter Pan dans les jardins de Kensington
Dans ‘Piter Pan dans les jardins de Kensington’, James Matthew Barrie nous plonge dans un univers enchanteur, tandis qu’il explore la dualité entre l’enfance et l’âge adulte. À travers les aventures …
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James Matthew Barrie: Lady Nicotina. Riflessioni di un ex fumatore
Oggi, il narratore di questa storia è sposato, e non fuma più. Tuttavia, non riesce a non ripensare ai suoi tempi da scapolo, quando, insieme ai suoi compagni, fumava e venerava la migl …
tiếng Ý
James Matthew Barrie: J. M. BARRIE – Ultimate Collection: 14 Novels & 80+ Short Stories, Plays and Essays (Illustrated)
In the expansive anthology ‘J. M. BARRIE – Ultimate Collection: 14 Novels & 80+ Short Stories, Plays and Essays (Illustrated), ‘ readers are invited into the imaginative world crafted by James Matthe …
James Matthew Barrie: The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations)
e-artnow presents to you this carefully created volume of ‘The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations)’. This ebook has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and ad …
James Matthew Barrie: The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations)
The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations) presents a comprehensive collection of Barrie’Äôs literary oeuvre, showcasing his mastery of prose, drama, and the art of storytelling. Renowne …
James Matthew Barrie: J. M. BARRIE – Ultimate Collection: 14 Novels & 80+ Short Stories, Plays and Essays (Illustrated)
In the expansive collection ‘J. M. BARRIE – Ultimate Collection: 14 Novels & 80+ Short Stories, Plays and Essays (Illustrated), ‘ readers are introduced to the multifaceted literary world of James Ma …
James Matthew Barrie: L’uccellino bianco
Il Capitano W., reduce di guerra, quarantenne e scapolo, vive con inglese regolarità le sue giornate, assieme a un cane san bernardo, Porthos, unico suo motivo di affetto. I suoi passatempi pr …
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James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Qui ne connaît pas Peter Pan, cet étrange personnage qui refuse de grandir ? Une nuit, à Londres, il profite de l’absence de M. et Mme Darling pour s’introduire dans la chambre de leurs trois enfants …
tiếng Pháp
James Matthew Barrie & José Luis Munuera: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (Graphic Novel)
In jeder Stadt gibt es magische Orte, an denen die Mauern zwischen dem, was ist, dem, was nicht ist, und dem, was sein könnte, nur dünn sind. Einer dieser Orte ist Kensington Gardens in London. Bei T …
tiếng Đức
James Matthew Barrie & James Matthew Barrie: Peter Pan
Peter Pan is a fictional character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. A free-spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly and never grows up, Peter Pan spends his never-endin …