For many decades, there has been an increasing interest in Bible prophecy and the end times. People are fascinated by the rapture, the tribulation and the mark of the beast. Unfortunately, many of the sensationalized themes that are promoted today are based upon a faulty interpretation of the Bible and are accepted by a naive audience who lacks a knowledge of history. Many of the Old Testament and New Testament prophecies are taken out of their historical context. The purpose of this book is to provide that historical context so that the Bible can be more easily understood. Different chapters will take the reader on a journey of Israel in the historical setting of five of the great empires that shaped the nation: Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Along the way, we will look at the prophecies of Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and others who spoke during the reign of these empires. We will study the Beasts of Daniel and Revelation, Gog and Magog, the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity, the destruction of the temple in AD 70, and see how Bible prophecy spoke to these events. Different views of the millennium will be compared, such as premillennialism and a-millennialism. We will discuss different interpretive frameworks such as the preterist and futurist views. The reader will also be introduced to the origins of the modern end-times view that began in 1830 and see how it has grown in popularity to become the dominant view today.
Mục lục
1 Introduction1
2 Origins of the Modern End Times Views7
3 Interpreting Passages25
4 The Assyrian Empire31
4.1 From Abraham to Assyrian Captivity31
4.2 Assyria and Bible Prophecy40
5 The Babylonian Empire47
5.1 From the Rise of Babylon to the Babylonian Captivity47
5.2 Babylon and Bible Prophecy56
5.3 Gog and Magog64
6 The Persian Empire71
6.1 From Cyrus to the Return from Captivity71
6.2 From Darius I to the End of the Persian Empire75
6.3 The Seventieth Week of Daniel83
7 The Greek Empire95
7.1 From the Athenian Empire to Alexander the Great95
7.2 From the Successor Kings to the Maccabees104
8 The Roman Empire113
8.1 From Independence to the Rise of Herod the Great113
8.2 From Herod the Great to the Start of the Jewish War119
8.3 The Destruction of Jerusalem131
8.4 The Second Roman-Jewish War137
9 A Look at Prophecy143
9.1 Matthew 24 and The Roman War143
9.2 Revelation and the Roman War151
9.3 Signs and Wonders160
10 Additional Analysis of the End Times Views169
11 Covenants179
12 Conclusion189
13 Maps and Timelines 191
Giới thiệu về tác giả
James Nagy is an engineer who lives in Colorado. James has a passion for history, especially ancient history and Colonial American history.