Craft your complete retirement plan with help from this straightforward and robust blueprint
In the newly revised Third Edition of The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life, best-selling and award-winning retirement author Jan Cullinane delivers an organized, engaging, and holistic treatment of retirement planning. With extensive updates and additions throughout, the book includes surveys, questionnaires, and worksheets to help readers understand and apply the critical steps affecting retirement planning.
In this book, you’ll also find:
* Fresh and informative examples from real people about all aspects of their retirement journey, from savings and tax issues to location selection to second careers/remote work, and leaving a legacy
* Thorough explorations of niche retirement lifestyles, established locations, and new retirement communities
* Discussions of critical issues affecting potential and current retirees, including health, relationships, politics, climate, demographics, and working
Perfect for anyone contemplating full or phased retirement, as well as for those who are already retired, The New Retirement, 3rd edition, is an invaluable handbook for planning the penultimate chapter of your life.
Mục lục
Chapter 1 What Makes Retirement Successful?
Chapter 2 168 Hours a Week
Chapter 3 Working in Retirement: It’s Not an Oxymoron
Chapter 4 What and Where Is Home?
Chapter 5 Locations, Locations, Locations
Chapter 6 Forever Young
Chapter 7 Dollars and Sense
Chapter 8 The Taxman Cometh
Chapter 9 Money Saving Tricks and Tips
Chapter 10 The Final Chapter
About the Author
Giới thiệu về tác giả
In addition to being a bestselling and award-winning author (including The Single Woman’s Guide to Retirement, Wiley/AARP), Jan Cullinane is the ‘Healthy Living’ columnist for ideal-LIVING magazine, contributes to several blogs and magazines, and is a popular retirement speaker and consultant. She has a B.S. and M.Ed. from the University of Maryland, and is ABD from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. She can also speak backwards fluently!