Brigid Daniel is Professor of Social Work at the University of Stirling. She is the co-author of a number of books on child care and protection and has a particular interest in factors that help children to cope with adversity. She was a member of the multi-disciplinary team that carried out a national ministerial review of child protection practice in Scotland.
6 Ebooks bởi Jane Scott
Jane Scott & Julie Taylor: Recognizing and Helping the Neglected Child
Neglect is the most common form of child abuse, but recognizing the signs, assessing the family’s and the child’s needs, and undertaking intervention can be difficult and complicated. This book, base …
Jane Scott & Harriet Ward: Safeguarding and Promoting the Well-being of Children, Families and Communities
Improving the well-being of children is more effective when social care professionals work with the children’s parents, families and communities. This collection brings together innovative interventi …
Andrew Kendrick: Residential Child Care
Residential Child Care draws on the latest research to offer guidance for developing best practice, policy and improved outcomes for children and young people. Contributors examine important aspects …
Hedy Cleaver & Harriet Ward: The Integrated Children’s System
The Integrated Children’s System (ICS) was developed to support effective practice with children and families and improve decision making and planning for children in need. This book outlines what th …
Jane Scott: Entspannte Eltern
Nur die Ruhe: Ihr könnt das! Junge Eltern stehen heutzutage vor einer enormen Herausforderung: Sie wollen sich um die Bedürfnisse ihres Kindes kümmern, sollen dabei selbst nicht zu kurz kommen und se …
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