Tác giả: Janice Nath

Ủng hộ

3 Ebooks bởi Janice Nath

Irma N Guadarrama & Janice L Nath: Investigating University-School Partnerships
Investigating University-School Partnerships: A Volume in Professional Development School Research, the fourth book in the PDS Research Series developed by the same editors, includes a collection of …
Irma N Guadarrama & Janice L Nath: Advances in Community Thought and Research
The collection of papers in this volume have a combined synergy that exudes a sense of hope and confidence that our progress in the Professional Development Schools research movement has been substan …
Irma N Guadarrama & Janice L Nath: University and School Connections
The need for strengthening the connections between university-based teacher education programs and schools has never been greater in an era where standards and accountability systems often play centr …