With the adventures of the tribal founder burning in his mind, Echo Raven
chooses to leave his home village in Nova Scotia to follow the map left by his great
grandfather, Eye of Crow. Although his dream to retrace his great grandfathers
travels seemed to be an easily attainable achievement, the unknown quickly caught
up with him. Without his great strength and intellect he would not have survived
the rigors of the sea, the weather and the unsavory characters plotting against him.
His abilities and fortitude are severely tested.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Jean Edwards is a Maine native living in her home on the banks of the St. George River. She grew up in Maine and married, raising four children as she followed her husband, (U. S. Navy) about the country, returning to Maine in 1997. Since then she has written several poetry books, three children’s adventure books and this, her sixth novel. She was a recipient of the George Hale award for artistic excellence in 2011.