Mục lục
Contents: Gabriele Stein , The Otto Jespersen Memorial Lecture. John Palsgrave as Precursor of Otto Jespersen. – Ladislav Zgusta , Some Developments in Lexicography, Past and Present. – Andrejs Veisbergs , Latvian Bilingual Lexicography. Tradition and Change. – Elena Bárcena / Tim Read , The Architecture of a Cognitive-based Multilingual Computational Dictionary. – Matthias Kammerer , Kritisches zu Schnelles Applizierung einer >Logischen Semantik< bei Wörterbüchern vom COBUILD-Typ. – Jorgen Erik Nielsen , Otto Jespersen as a Lexicographer. – Dorthe Duncker / Hanne Ruus , Multi Level Text Representation in an LCB. – Rufus H. Gouws , Strategies in Equivalent Discrimination. – Sándor Martsa , On Animal Frames in English and Hungarian. – Geart van der meer , Further Ways to Improve the Active Dictionary: Collocations, Non-morphological >Derivations<, Grammar. – Stefan J. Schierholz , Governed Prepositions. A Database for German, English and Portuguese Nouns. – Ulrich Busse , Recent English Learner’s Dictionaries and their Treatment of Political Correctness. – Bernhard Diensberg , Toward a Revision of the Etymologies in the »Oxford English Dictionary« (OED 3rd edition, in progress). – Lars Holm , »The bishop who strove for completeness.« On Taboos and Taboo-breaking in Swedish Dictionaries through the Ages. – Arne Zettersten / Hanne Lauridsen , The New Politiken English-Danish Dictionary: Politikens Engelsk/Dansk med betydningsforklaringer. – Hideki Watanabe , Quotations from »Beowulf« and Other English Poems in the »Oxford English Dictionary«. – Andreas Gröger , A Semantic Analysis of Old English Mental Verbs, Based on the Material of the Helsinki Corpus. – Ljubima Jordanowa , Die Zweite Wende (1996–1997) und die neuen Probleme für die Lexikographie in Bulgarien. – Makimi Kimura , The Naturalization Process of Japanese Loanwords as Reflected in English Dictionaries. The Four-Stage Hypothesis and Associated Problems. – Gunnar Persson , Vit flugsvamp or Destroying Angel. Cognitive Aspects of Names for Fungi in Some Languages. – Maja Lindfors Viklund / Yvonne Cederholm , Chasing the Dragon. Drug Related Terminology in a Multilingual Perspective.