Professor Mark Button is Director of the Centre for
Counter Fraud Studies at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies,
University of Portsmouth. Mark has written extensively on counter
fraud and private policing issues, publishing many articles,
chapters and completing five books with two forthcoming. Some of
the most significant research projects include leading the research
on behalf of the National Fraud Authority and ACPO on fraud
victims; the Department for International Development on fraud
measurement, Acromas (AA and Saga) on “Cash-for-Crash
fraudsters”, the Midlands Fraud Forum, Eversheds and PKF on
“Sanctioning Fraudsters”. Mark has also acted as a
consultant for the United Nations Offices on Drugs and Crime on
Civilian Private Security Services. Mark also holds the position of
Head of Secretariat of the Counter Fraud Professional Accreditation
Board. Before joining the University of Portsmouth he was a
Research Assistant to the Rt Hon Bruce George MP specialising in
policing, security and home affairs issues. Mark completed his
undergraduate studies at the University of Exeter, his Masters at
the University of Warwick and his Doctorate at the London School of
Jim Gee is Director of Counter Fraud Services at BDO LLP,
the leading accountancy and business services firm and Chair of the
Advisory Board and Visiting Professor at the Centre for Counter
Fraud Studies at University of Portsmouth. During more than 25
years as a counter fraud specialist, he led the team which cleaned
up one of the most corrupt local authorities in the UK – London
Borough of Lambeth – in the late 1990s; he advised the House of
Commons Social Security Select Committee on fraud and Rt. Hon.
Frank Field M.P. during his time as Minister of State for Welfare
Reform; between 1998 and 2006 he was Director of Counter Fraud
Services for the Department of Health and CEO of the NHS Counter
Fraud Service, achieving reductions in losses of up to 60% and
financial benefits equivalent to a 12 : 1 return on the costs of
the work. Between 2004 and 2006 he was the founding Director
General of the European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network;
and he has since worked as a senior advisor to the UK
Attorney-General on the UK Government”s Fraud Review as well
as delivering counter fraud and regulatory services to public
bodies and private companies both in this country and
internationally. He has worked with organisations from more than 35
countries to counter fraud including for mining companies in Africa
and South East Asia. He has also advised the Chinese Government
about how to measure, pre-empt and reduce the financial cost of
4 Ebooks bởi Jim Gee
Jim Gee & Mark Button: Countering Fraud for Competitive Advantage
Substantially reduce the largely hidden cost of fraud, and reap a new competitive advantage. As the title suggests, Countering Fraud for Competitive Advantage presents a compelling business case for …
Martin Tunley & Andrew Whittaker: The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook
The most complete, step-by-step guide to the ACFS qualification The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook is the only guide designed to support all mandatory elements of the ACFS qualification …
Martin Tunley & Andrew Whittaker: The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook
The most complete, step-by-step guide to the ACFS qualification The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook is the only guide designed to support all mandatory elements of the ACFS qualification …
Jim Gee & Mark Button: Countering Fraud for Competitive Advantage
Substantially reduce the largely hidden cost of fraud, and reap a new competitive advantage. As the title suggests, Countering Fraud for Competitive Advantage presents a compelling business case for …