With help from American naturalist and essayist John Burroughs, "Birds and Poets" is a set of essays. Burroughs writes approximately his love of birds and his mind on poetry and the innovative spirit. He is known for his keen perspectives of nature and the outside. In this series, Burroughs seems at how birds and literary suggestion are linked. He talks approximately the beauty and value of hen song and how the world of birds can encourage poets. Burroughs makes use of stunning language to make human beings enjoy the complicated melodies and behaviors of different forms of chickens. He does this through drawing comparisons among their herbal expressions and poets’ creative mind. "Birds and Poets" writings are just like Burroughs’ transcendentalist thoughts in that they stress the non-secular hyperlink between people and the natural international. He writes approximately how nature can heal and inspire, and he makes use of birds as examples of splendor and as literary idea. Burroughs’ writing style is both helpful and considerate. It makes readers take a look at the sector via the eyes of a naturalist and discover thought within the simple beauty of birds.