The Blessed Virgin Mary is uniquely associated with Catholicism, and the century preceding the Second Vatican Council was arguably the most fertile era for Catholic Marian studies. In 1964, Pope John Paul VI published the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, or Lumen Gentium (LG), the eighth chapter of which presents the most comprehensive magisterial teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary. As part of its Marian Initiative, the Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame invited scholars to a conference held at Notre Dame in October 2013 to reflect the rich Marian legacy on the eve of the Second Vatican Council.
The essays unanimously stress that the Blessed Virgin Mary is not merely a peripheral figure in Christian faith and in the panorama of theology. More than fifty years after Lumen Gentium, students of theology as well as Marian devotees take their bearings from this document in order to promote the person of Mary and the study of Mariology, as well as grow in authentic Marian piety. This book will have great appeal to students and scholars of Catholic theology and history, particularly those interested in Mariology.
Contributors: Ann W. Astell, Peter Casarella, John C. Cavadini, Lawrence S. Cunningham, Brian Daley, S.J., Peter J. Fritz, Kevin Grove, CSC, Msgr. Michael Heintz, Matthew Levering, Danielle M. Peters, James H. Phalan, CSC, Johann G. Roten, S.M., Christopher Ruddy, Troy Stefano, and Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.
Mục lục
List of Illustrations
Introduction by John C. Cavadini
Part 1. Historical Highlights
1. Sign and Source of the Church: Mary in the Ressourcement and at Vatican II by Brian E. Daley, S.J.
2. Recovering Mary’s Faith and Her Role in the Church by Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.
3. From Epinal to Plateau D’Assy: Religious Art and the Marian Century by Johann G. Roten, S.M.
Part 2. Ressourcement Theologians and Response
4. “A Very Considerable Place in the Mystery of Christ and the Church”?: Yves Congar on Mary by Christopher Ruddy
5. Mary and the Holy Spirit in the 1950s: Presaging Lumen Gentium by Matthew Levering
6. Karl Rahner’s Marian “Minimalism” by Peter Joseph Fritz
7. Catholica Mater: The Marian Insights of Henri de Lubac by Troy A. Stefano
8. Mariology as Theological Anthropology: Louis Bouyer on Mary, Seat of Wisdom by Michael Heintz
Part 3. Marian Modalities in the Church
9. A Pondering Heart: The Immaculate Conception and the Sorrowful Mother in the Theology of Basil Moreau by Kevin Grove, C.S.C.
10. Remembering 1854 in 1958: O’Connor’s Edited Collection on the Immaculate Conception as a “Sign of the Times” by Ann W. Astell
11. Anthropological and Pedagogical Implications of Mariology in the Thought of Joseph Kentenich by Danielle M. Peters
12. Virgin of Mercy: The Marian Profile in Twentieth-Century Catholicism by Peter Casarella
13. Mary and the Contemplatives: Thomas Merton by Lawrence S. Cunningham
Part 4. Epilogue: Pastoral Reflections
14. Mary and the Church Today by James H. Phalan, C.S.C.
List of Contributors
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Danielle M. Peters, S.T.D., is a member of the Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary. She serves as president of the Mariological Society of America, and as the moderator of the Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement in Dallas, Texas. She is the author of Ecce Educatrix Tua: The Role of the Blessed Virgin Mary for a Pedagogy of Holiness in the Thought of John Paul II and Father Joseph Kentenich.