The Restoration Movement is one of the largest Christian traditions indigenous to the United States–boasting nearly four million adherents. Over the last century, however, it has suffered internal division, isolationism, declining institutions, and widespread ignorance of its own roots. The dynamism and solidarity that once typified our churches appears to be fading, which has many asking if the Restoration Movement has lost all momentum.
Yet Jesus prayed for Christian unity and tied such unity to the world’s belief (John 17). Only a united church will convince unbelievers that God sent Jesus as his ultimate expression of love for them. This prayer propelled the early Movement into action and may do so again today.
This highly accessible book invites restorationists to rise above the partisanship of our day, rally around our core commitments, and lead out in our strengths. It informs readers about the modest origins, unique resources, and current challenges facing our churches. It fosters stimulating conversations about mission, race, creeds, Scripture, education, unity, humility, and relevance. If it’s time for you, your congregation, or your students to encounter or recover their restoration roots, then this book is for you!
Giới thiệu về tác giả
John C. Nugent serves as VPAA and professor of Bible and theology at Great Lakes Christian College. He has cohosted the Bible-focused After Class Podcast every week since 2018. He is the author of Politics of Yahweh (2011), Endangered Gospel (2016), Genesis 1–11 (2019), and Priestly Presence (2024).Listen to my interview with Faith Radio Network!