affluenza, n. a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more.
We tried to warn you! The 2008 economic collapse proved how resilient and dangerous affluenza can be. Now in its third edition, this book can safely be called prophetic in showing how problems ranging from loneliness, endless working hours, and family conflict to rising debt, environmental pollution, and rampant commercialism are all symptoms of this global plague.
The new edition traces the role overconsumption played in the Great Recession, discusses new ways to measure social health and success (such as the Gross Domestic Happiness index), and offers policy recommendations to make our society more simplicity-friendly. The underlying message isn’t to stop buying—it’s to remember, always, that the best things in life aren’t things.
Mục lục
Foreword by Annie Leonard
1. Feverish Expectations
2. All Stuffed Up
3. Stressed to Kill
4. Family Fractures
5. Community Chills
6. Heart Failure
7. Social Scars
8. Resource Exhaustion
9. Industrial Diarrhea
10. A Cancerous Culture
11. Original Sin
12. Ounce of Prevention
13. The Road Not Taken
14. Emerging Epidemic
15. Age of Affluenza
16. Spin Doctors
17. Diagnostic Test
18. Bed Rest
19. Affluholics Anonymous
20. Fresh Air
21. Back to Work
22. Building Immunity
23. Policy Prescriptions
24. Vital Signs
25. The Glow of Health
About the Authors
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Thomas H. Naylor is a professor emeritus of economics at Duke University and is the author of over thirty books.