Tác giả: José M. Torralba

Ủng hộ
García Martínez, Alejandro NéstorPhD. in Philosophy. Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Navarra. Visiting Scholar at University of York (2008). Research interests: social theory, sociology of culture, consumption and lifestyles. He has published several books, chapters and articles, including: La teoría de los procesos de civilización en la sociología de Norbert Elias (Civilising Process Theory in Elias” Sociology), Eunsa, Pamplona: 2006; Distinción social y moda (Social Distinction and Fashion), Editor, Eunsa, Pamplona: 2007; “The Proliferation of Fashion and the Decline of its Code of Meanings”, in Fashion, Image, Identity, STI, New York – Barcelona: 2007.Šilar, MarioResearch Assistant and Assistant Lecturer in Ethics in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Navarra. Visiting Scholar at the University of Reading in 2007. Research interests: moral and social philosophy, natural law in Thomas Aquinas, the philosophy of law, and the relations between culture and philosophy. Select publications include: Metodología de investigación y técnicas para la elaboración de tesis, (Hispania: 2006) and “Trascendentales, encuentro entre ética y religión” (Eunsa, Pamplona: 2007).Torralba, José M.PhD. in Philosophy. Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Navarra. Visiting Scholar at Oxford University (2003) and at University of Munich (2005–2006). Research interests: moral philosophy, theory of action and theory of judgment. In addition to a number of articles on modern philosophy, he has published the following books: Acción intencional y razomaniento práctico según G.E.M. Anscombe, (Eunsa, Pamplona: 2005); La facultad del juicio en la filosofía práctica de Kant, G. Olms, Hildesheim – Zürich – New York, forthcoming; and edited Two Hundred Years Later: Returns and Re-interpretations of Kant (CAF, Pamplona, 2005).

2 Ebooks bởi José M. Torralba

Alejandro Nestor Garcia Martinez & Mario Silar: Natural Law
Modern moral and political philosophy is in debt with natural law theory, both in its ancient and mediaeval elaborations. While the very notion of a natural law has proved highly controversial among …
Patricio A. Fernández & Alejandro Néstor García Martínez: Ways of Being Bound: Perspectives from post-Kantian Philosophy and Relational Sociology
This book addresses the topic of ‘being bound’ from a philosophical and a sociological perspective. It examines several ways in which we are bound. We are bound to acknowledge the truth and to follow …