Tác giả: Josef Quitterer

Ủng hộ
Dr. theol. Patrick Becker ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter für Systematische Theologie an der RWTH Aachen.

5 Ebooks bởi Josef Quitterer

Patrick Becker & Ursula Diewald: Zukunftsperspektiven im theologisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Dialog
The modern world is ruled by the natural sciences. They are the ones who discuss the most pressing problems of our time that touch the core theological arguments: Is God nothing more than an illusion …
tiếng Đức
Christian Kanzian & Winfried Löffler: The Ways Things Are
This book is a collection of essays in systematic ontology. The parts of its title – “Things” and “Ways They Are” – are indicative of two broadly and intensively discussed issues in current ontology, …
Patrick Becker & Steffen Jöris: Die Seele
Nachdem die Seele lange eine zentrale Rolle bei der Bestimmung des Menschen eingenommen hat, ist sie in der Moderne weitgehend aus der westlichen Theorienlandschaft verschwunden. Der Band geht diesem …
tiếng Đức
Dirk Ansorge & Josef Quitterer: Theology and the University
Theology and the University presents a compelling argument as to why theology still matters. It considers how theology has been marginalised in the academy and in public life, arguing that doing so h …
Dirk Ansorge & Josef Quitterer: Theology and the University
Theology and the University presents a compelling argument as to why theology still matters. It considers how theology has been marginalised in the academy and in public life, arguing that doing so h …