Tác giả: Jost Gippert

Ủng hộ
Autorinnen: Anna Kordzaia-Samadaschwili Maka Mikelsadze Ekaterine Togonidze Eka Tchilawa Tamta Melaschwili Nestan (Nene) Kwinikadze Nino Haratischwili

6 Ebooks bởi Jost Gippert

Anna Kordzaia-Samadaschwili & Maka Mikeladze: Techno der Jaguare
Die aufregendsten neuen Stimmen der aktuellen georgischen Literatur: Die aus Georgien stammende und auf Deutsch schreibende Autorin Nino Haratischwili wurde für ihren Roman ‘Mein sanfter Zwilling’ (F …
tiếng Đức
Jost Gippert & Ralf Gehrke: Historical Corpora
The volume contains 23 papers read at the international conference ‘Historical Corpora 2012’, which was hosted by the LOEWE Research Cluster ‘Digital Humanities’ of the State of Hesse at the Universi …
tiếng Đức
Jost Gippert & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann: Essentials of Language Documentation
Language documentation is a rapidly emerging new field in linguistics which is concerned with the methods, tools and theoretical underpinnings for compiling a representative and lasting multipurpose …
Jost Gippert & Jasmine Dum-Tragut: Caucasian Albania
By consequence of the Karabakh War in 2020 and due to Azerbaijanian revisionism concerning the history, culture and cultural monuments of the region, the discussion on Caucasian ‘Albania’, which is l …
Jost Gippert & José Maksimczuk: Palimpsests and Related Phenomena across Languages and Cultures
Palimpsests are manuscripts whose original content has been erased, scraped away, washed off and later overwritten. In their lower layers, they often contain unique versions of texts – including thos …
COMSt Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies
The present volume is the main achievement of the Research Networking Programme ‘Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies’, funded by the European Science Foundation in the years 2009–2014. It is the …