Didier Theilliol is a professor at Universite de Lorraine, within CRAN. He was a co-leader of CID research group (around 40 permanent researchers) at CRAN. He co-ordinates and leads national, European, and International R&D projects. His current research interests focused on health-aware control framework-based intelligent and classical model-based fault diagnosis method synthesis and active fault-tolerant control system design for linear time invariant, linear parameter varying, multi-linear systems and also reliability analysis. Most of the research activities are focused on distributed control systems and also on multi-agent systems. He has advised 16 Ph.D. students and published over 60 international journals papers/200 international conference papers and a book entitled ‘ Fault-tolerant Control Systems: Design and Practical Applications’ (2009). He is currently an AE of ISA Transactions Journal, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, and International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science. He was an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability (2013-2016) and Unmanned Systems Journal (2012-2017). Didier Theilliol was the general chair and program chair of various international conferences sponsored by IEEE and IFAC (Systol, ICUAS, MED, ACD). He is one of the European Advanced Control and Diagnosis (EACD) and Sys Tol Association steering committee members. He is currently a member of the IFAC SAFEPROCESS and IFAC MMM TCs.
Józef Korbicz has been a full-rank professor of automatic control at the University of Zielona Góra, Poland, since 1994. In 2019, he was elected an ordinary member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS). His current research interests include fault detection and isolation (FDI), control theory, and computational intelligence. He has published more than 380 scientific publications, authored or co-authored eight books, and co-edited seven books. It was confirmed, e.g., by offering him the prestigious position the IPC chairman of the IFAC Symposium SAFEPROCESS held in Beijing, China (2006), and NOC chairman of the NOC in Warsaw, Poland (2018). Together with Prof. J.M. Kościelny, he founded the so-called Polish SAFEPROCESS conferences on Diagnostics of Processes and Systems, DPS, organized every two years (last the 15th in 2022). He was the program co-chair (2010) of the International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Sys Tol (2010), and the IPC chairman of the European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, ACD (2009). Now, he is the chairman of the ACD workshop steering committee. He is currently the chair of the Committee on Automatic Control and Robotics of the PAS, a life senior member of the IEEE, and a member of the IFAC SAFEPROCESS TC.
Janusz Kacprzyk is a professor of Computer Science at the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, WIT – Warsaw School of Information Technology, and Chongqing Three Gorges University, Wanzhou, Chongqing, China, and a professor of Automatic Control at PIAP – Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements in Warsaw, Poland. He is an honorary foreign professor at the Department of Mathematics, Yli Normal University, Xinjiang, China. He is a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a member of Academia Europaea, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, European Academy of Sciences, a foreign member of the: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF), Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, Flemish Royal Academy of Belgium of Sciences and the Arts (KVAB), National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. He was awarded with six honorary doctorates. He is a fellow of IEEE, IET, IFSA, Eur AI, IFIP, AAIA, I2CICC, and SMIA.
His main research interests include the use of modern computation computational and artificial intelligence tools, notably fuzzy logic, in systems science, decision making, optimization, control, data analysis and data mining, with applications in mobile robotics, systems modeling, ICT, etc.
He authored seven books, (co)edited more than 150 volumes, and (co)authored more than 650 papers, including ca. 150 in journals indexed by the Wo S. He is listed in 2020 and 2021 “World’s 2% Top Scientists” by Stanford University, Elsevier (Scopus), and Scie Tech Strategies and published in PLOS Biology Journal.
He is the editor in chief of eight book series at Springer, and of two journals, and is on the editorial boards of ca. 40 journals. He is the president of the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the past president of International Fuzzy Systems Association.
8 Ebooks bởi Jozef Korbicz
Józef Korbicz & Roman Maniewski: Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering and Bioimages Analysis
This book gathers 30 papers presented at the 21st PCBBE, which was hosted by the University of Zielona Góra, Poland, and offered a valuable forum for exchanging ideas and presenting the latest develo …
Józef Korbicz & Jan M. Koscielny: Modeling, Diagnostics and Process Control
Modern control systems are complex in the sense of implementing numerous functions, such as process variable processing, digital control, process monitoring and alarm indication, graphic visualizatio …
Jozef Korbicz & Marek Kowal: Intelligent Systems in Technical and Medical Diagnostics
For many years technical and medical diagnostics has been the area of intensive scientific research. It covers well-established topics as well as emerging developments in control engineering, artific …
Wojciech Cholewa & Jozef Korbicz: Fault Diagnosis
All real systems in nature – physical, biological and engineering ones – can malfunction and fail due to faults in their components. Logically, the chances for malfunctions increase with the systems’ …
Piotr Kulczycki & Józef Korbicz: Automatic Control, Robotics, and Information Processing
This book presents a wide and comprehensive range of issues and problems in various fields of science and engineering, from both theoretical and applied perspectives. The desire to develop more effec …
Józef Korbicz & Krzysztof Patan: Advances in Diagnostics of Processes and Systems
This book contains a collection of 13 carefully selected papers contributed by researches in technical and partial medical diagnostics as well as fault-tolerant control and constitutes a comprehensiv …
Piotr Kulczycki & Józef Korbicz: Fractional Dynamical Systems: Methods, Algorithms and Applications
This book presents a wide and comprehensive spectrum of issues and problems related to fractional-order dynamical systems. It is meant to be a full-fledge, comprehensive presentation of many aspects …
Didier Theilliol & Józef Korbicz: Recent Developments in Model-Based and Data-Driven Methods for Advanced Control and Diagnosis
The book consists of recent works on several axes either with a more theoretical nature or with a focus on applications, which will span a variety of up-to-date topics in the field of systems and con …