Tony Eccles is Visiting Professor of Strategic Management at Cass Business School, City University, having previously been Professor of Strategic Management at Glasgow University and London Business School, as well as holding visiting positions at Manchester, Cranfield and Bath Management Schools. In his career he has consulted with many international organisations, been a television presenter and award-winning copywriter. He is the author of Under New Management and Succeeding with Change.
4 Ebooks bởi Jules Goddard
Jules Goddard & Tony Eccles: Uncommon Sense, Common Nonsense
This is a book for managers who know that their organisations are stuck in a mindset that thrives on fashionable business theories that are no more than folk wisdom, and whose so-called strategies th …
Jules Goddard & Dominic Houlder: What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader
For decades, we have looked to management theorists, organizational psychologists and economists to tell us how we can squeeze the most out of people at work. The result? People are uninspired, feel …
Jules Goddard & Rob James: Business Experimentation
Business experimentation can not only create measurable value for organizations, it can provide the inspiration to break with the habits of the past by dealing with challenges and exploiting opportun …
Tamryn Batcheller-Adams & Jules Goddard: Mavericks
How many of our business leaders truly embody the change needed in the world of work and beyond? Not nearly enough. This book shows you how to reclaim your power to make a difference, by unleashing y …