There is truly an unlimited amount of health benefits that comes with juicing. Here are the most important ones: Vitality Energy Rejuvenation Weight Loss Anti-Aging Beautiful Glowing & Wrinkle-Free Skin from the Inside Out Antioxidants Alzheimer’s Prevention Asthma Help (Juliana suffered from Asthma for many years and was finally able to get rid of it because of her daily Juicing and Smoothie ritual) Blood Cleanse Arthritis Prevention Bone Protection Cancer Prevention Cervical Cancer Prevention Breast Cancer Prevention Colon Cancer Prevention Liver Cancer Prevention Lung Cancer Prevention Prostate Cancer Prevention Cataracts Prevention Ovarian Cancer Prevention Stomach Cancer Prevention Digestion Detoxification Digestion Heart Disease Prevention Improving Eyesight Improved Complexion Increased Blood Circulation Kidney Cleanse Increased Libido Liver Cleanse L ower Blood Pressure Lower Cholesterol Mental Health Osteoporosis Prevention Pain Relief …
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Juliana Baldec knows that people all around the globe are increasingly feeding on manufactured and unhealthy food items. Over time Juliana has become an expert with making nutritious & clean eating and drinking recipes. She loves to share these most delicious, clean, lean and nutritious recipes that are specifically meant to boost a healthy living free from calories, fats, and other unhealthy ingredients. Modern lifestyle, however, makes it very hard to live a clean, healthy and balanced lifestyle with food that is good for our body and brain and Juliana is providing modern solutions for this problem. After testing and proving her Smoothie Lifestyle System, today she enjoys sharing the most time productive, delicious, and effective clean eating and drinking recipes with her readers & clients. These are the same recipes that she, her clients & her own family consume on a daily basis with proven and tested success.