Phyllis Cohen, Ph D, is the founder and director of the New York Institute for Psychotherapy Training in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence. She is also an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University. K. Mark Sossin, Ph D, is professor of psychology and the associate chair of the Department of Psychology at Pace University. He is also the director of the Pace Parent-Infant/Toddler Research Nursery. Richard Ruth, Ph D, is associate professor of clinical psychology, director of clinical training, and chair of the child/adolescent track at the George Washington University Psy D program.
5 Ebooks bởi K. Mark Sossin
Phyllis Cohen & Richard Ruth: Healing after Parent Loss in Childhood and Adolescence
In Healing after Parent Loss in Childhood and Adolescence: Therapeutic Interventions and Theoretical Considerations, experts explore the varied, often complex, and always tragic circumstances under w …
Beatrice Beebe & Phyllis Cohen: Mothers, Infants and Young Children of September 11, 2001
The group of papers presented in this volume represents ten years of involvement of a group of eight core therapists, working originally with approximately forty families who suffered the loss of hus …
Beatrice Beebe & Phyllis Cohen: Mothers, Infants and Young Children of September 11, 2001
The group of papers presented in this volume represents ten years of involvement of a group of eight core therapists, working originally with approximately forty families who suffered the loss of hus …
Janet Kestenberg Amighi & Susan Loman: Meaning of Movement
The new edition of The Meaning of Movement serves as a guide to instruction in the Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) and as the system’s foremost reference book, sourcebook, and authoritative compend …
Janet Kestenberg Amighi & Susan Loman: Meaning of Movement
The new edition of The Meaning of Movement serves as a guide to instruction in the Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) and as the system’s foremost reference book, sourcebook, and authoritative compend …