Tác giả: K. Ott

Ủng hộ
Melanie L. Harris is Associate Professor of Religion and Ethics in the Department of Religion, Texas Christian University, USA.

2 Ebooks bởi K. Ott

M. Harris & K. Ott: Faith, Feminism, and Scholarship
A multi cultural collection of third-wave feminist voices, this book reveals how current feminist religious scholars from around the world are integrating social justice and activism into their schol …
M. Clausen & A. Grunwald: Klimavorhersage und Klimavorsorge
Die menschliche Gesellschaft ist durch moderne wissenschaftliche Verfahren der Klimamodellierung in der Lage, Vorhersagen des zukünftigen Klimas zu treffen. Ebenso lassen sich anhand der aktuellen Kl …
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