Christoph Dartmann unterrichtet Mittelalterliche Geschichte an der Universität Hamburg. Seine Forschungen behandeln Italien und den Mittelmeerraum, das Mönchtum sowie das Mittelalter in der Moderne.
8 Ebooks bởi Karl Borchardt
Karl Borchardt & Karoline Doring: Templars and their Sources
Even 700 years after the suppression of the Order of the Temple and the execution of the last grandmaster, Jacques de Molay, there is no shortage of publications on this influential military order. Y …
Karl Borchardt & Karoline Doring: Templars and their Sources
Even 700 years after the suppression of the Order of the Temple and the execution of the last grandmaster, Jacques de Molay, there is no shortage of publications on this influential military order. Y …
Nikolas Jaspert: The Hospitallers, the Mediterranean and Europe
Modern study of the Hospitallers, of other military-religious orders, and of their activities both in the Mediterranean and in Europe has been deeply influenced by the work of Anthony Luttrell. To ma …
Nikolas Jaspert: The Hospitallers, the Mediterranean and Europe
Modern study of the Hospitallers, of other military-religious orders, and of their activities both in the Mediterranean and in Europe has been deeply influenced by the work of Anthony Luttrell. To ma …
Karl (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Munich, Germany) Borchardt: Documents Concerning Central Europe from the Hospital’s Rhodian Archives, 1314–1428
Documents Concerning Central Europe from the Hospital’s Rhodian Archives, 1314–1428 brings together over 450 texts concerning the Hospitallers during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. These tex …
Karl (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Munich, Germany) Borchardt: Documents Concerning Central Europe from the Hospital’s Rhodian Archives, 1314–1428
Documents Concerning Central Europe from the Hospital’s Rhodian Archives, 1314–1428 brings together over 450 texts concerning the Hospitallers during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. These tex …
Jochen Burgtorf & Christian Hoffarth: Von Hamburg nach Java
Mit außergewöhnlicher Schaffenskraft und immensem innovativen Gespür hat der Hamburger Historiker und Professor für mittelalterliche Geschichte Jürgen Sarnowsky die geschichtswissenschaftliche Forsch …
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Irmgard Fees & Andrea Stieldorf: Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde
Das Archiv für Diplomatik (Af D) bietet ein internationales Forum für Forschungen und Darstellungen zu den Historischen Grundwissenschaften und, von ihnen ausgehend, zu ihren Nachbardisziplinen vom F …
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