Karl Hess served as Professor of Electrical Engineering and physics at the University of Illinois, Urbana (UIUC) from 1980 to 2006, where his research centered around solid state electronics and physics. In recent years, Dr. Hess has become active in variety of efforts to promote and improve STEM education. He held a presidential appointment to the National Science Board, from 2006-2008, as well as a seat on the Hawaiian Innovation Council advising the Governor of Hawaii in matters of STEM Teaching Innovations from 2007-2009. Dr. Hess lives on the Big Island of Hawaii.
8 Ebooks bởi Karl Hess
Karl Hess: Working Knowledge
Working Knowledge: STEM Essentials for the 21st Century is designed to inspire a wide range of readers from high school and undergraduate students with an interest in Science, Technology, …
Karl Hess & J.P. Leburton: Hot Carriers in Semiconductors
This volume contains invited and contributed papers of the Ninth International Conference on Hot Carriers in Semiconductors (HCIS-9), held July 3 I-August 4, 1995 in Chicago, Illinois. In all, the co …
Karl Hess: Monte Carlo Device Simulation
Monte Carlo simulation is now a well established method for studying semiconductor devices and is particularly well suited to highlighting physical mechanisms and exploring material properties. Not s …
Karl Hess & J.P. Leburton: Computational Electronics
Large computational resources are of ever increasing importance for the simulation of semiconductor processes, devices and integrated circuits. The Workshop on Computational Electronics was intended …
Rod Boyer & Douglas Casey: Facets of Liberty
Facets of Liberty is a collection of historical articles by well-known liberty activists and theorists from the early days of the libertarian, voluntaryist, classical liberal and individual anarchist …
Karl (University of Illinois, Urbana, USA) Hess: Einstein Was Right!
All modern books on Einstein emphasize the genius of his relativity theory and the corresponding corrections and extensions of the ancient space-time concept. However, Einstein”s opposition to the u …
Karl Hess: Gemeindetechnologie
Wenn die Zeiten sich ändern, sollten wir alle besser gegen die Unsicherheiten, die vor uns liegen, gewappnet sein. Dieses Buch verschafft dir dazu einen Vorsprung. In den 1970er Jahren nahm Karl Hess …
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