Tác giả: Karl Renner

Ủng hộ
Stefan Bollinger, Jahrgang 1954, studierte Philosophie und Geschichte an der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin/DDR. 1986 habilitierte er sich zum Thema der Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen. Nach dem Anschluß an die Bundesrepublik ist er einer der Mitorganisatoren einer Zweiten Wissenschaftskultur in Ostdeutschland und arbeitet zu linken Alternativen in Geschichte und Zukunft. Er lebt in Berlin. Zuletzt gab er in der Reihe “Edition Linke Klassiker” im Promedia Verlag heraus: “Imperialismustheorien. Historische Grundlagen für eine aktuelle Kritik” und “Lenin. Träumer und Realist”.

7 Ebooks bởi Karl Renner

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels: Linke und Nation
Die Linke war und ist stolz darauf, internationalistisch zu sein. Ihr Leitspruch war immer ‘Proletarier aller Ländern, vereinigt Euch!? Und doch stritten Linke auch darum, ob und wie nationale Befrei …
tiếng Đức
Otto Kahn-Freund & Karl Renner: Inst Of Private Law Ils 208
As relevant to today’s debates about law and order and punishment as when they were published, titles in this set put forward the central principle that it is impossible to think about contemporary p …
Otto Kahn-Freund & Karl Renner: Inst Of Private Law Ils 208
As relevant to today’s debates about law and order and punishment as when they were published, titles in this set put forward the central principle that it is impossible to think about contemporary p …
Karl Renner: Jacobins
The Jacobins were the most famous of the political clubs that fomented the French Revolution. Initially moderate, they are remembered mainly for instituting the Reign of Terror. Crane Brinton’s The J …
Karl Renner: Jacobins
The Jacobins were the most famous of the political clubs that fomented the French Revolution. Initially moderate, they are remembered mainly for instituting the Reign of Terror. Crane Brinton’s The J …
Eli Ginzberg & Karl Renner: Institutions of Private Law and Their Social Functions
In the English-speaking world, Karl Renner is by far the best-known among the Austro-Marxists who were active in the Austrian socialist movement during the first few decades of the twentieth century. …
Eli Ginzberg & Karl Renner: Institutions of Private Law and Their Social Functions
In the English-speaking world, Karl Renner is by far the best-known among the Austro-Marxists who were active in the Austrian socialist movement during the first few decades of the twentieth century. …