Kazvare is an illustrator and graphic designer. Her work has been featured in Vogue (UK and Japan) and she has also collaborated with major brands such as Adidas and Facebook; in 2019 she held a pop-up exhibition at the Tate Modern.
Kazvare has BA (Hons.) in Classics from the University of Warwick as well as a Masters in African Studies from SOAS. She has alsoworked at length in the youth and charity sector, developing programmes in London and internationally.
Twitter: @kazvaremadeit | Instagram: @kazvaremadeit| kazvaremadeit.com
1 Ebooks bởi Kazvare Knox
Kazvare: Stay Woke, Kids!
Are immigrants taking our jobs, or are they all slobs?What does ‘I’m colourblind’ mean and why does it make no sense?And just how can you spot a Karen from a mile away?This illustrated collection of …