‘This book is insightful and thought-provoking for even the mostseasoned SAP BW individual.’–Richard M. Dunning, Chair, American SAP Users Group Written by the leading experts in the field, this comprehensiveguide shows you how to implement the SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW) and create useful applications for business analysisof company-wide data. You’ll quickly learn how to design, build, analyze, and administer the data and information in the SAP BWcomponent. The authors present the material in a way that reflectsthe process an organization goes through during a softwareimplementation.They begin with an introduction to the fundamentals of datawarehousing and business intelligence, helping you determine if SAPBW is right for your organization. The book then focuses on thebusiness content and options available when trying to deliver valuefrom the data stored in the SAP BW. And it includes a methodologyfor implementing the BW, such as data modeling and techniques forcapturing and transforming data.With this book, you’ll discover the options available in SAP BW3.0 and explore a new way to drive business performance. It willshow you how to:* Tackle such challenges as eliminating poor data quality* Develop an information model in order to properly deploy SAPBW* Utilize ETL, data storage, information access, analysis, andpresentation services* Schedule, monitor, archive, and troubleshoot data loads* Effectively plan and manage the performance of a datawarehouse The companion Web site provides useful guides and templates forconfiguring your system, industry case studies, and additionalupdates.
Mục lục
Foreword.Acknowledgments.About the Authors.Introduction.Chapter 1. The Origins of Business Intelligence.Chapter 2. The SAP Business Intelligence Solution.Chapter 3. SAP Business Information Warehouse Architecture.Chapter 4. Information Modeling.Chapter 5. Understanding Business Content.Chapter 6. ETL Services.Chapter 7. Information Access, Analysis and Presentation.Chapter 8. Analytic Applications.Chapter 9. Administration in the SAP Business Information Warehouse.Chapter 10. Performance Planning and Management.Bibliography.Index.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
KEVIN Mc DONALD is CEO of COMPENDIT, a consulting organizationspecializing in data warehousing and SAP. Prior to working at COMPENDIT, he was a corporate spokesperson for SAP throughout thelaunch of the SAP BW in North America.ANDREAS WILMSMEIER is a managing director at COMPENDIT and was partof the SAP BW development team.DAVID C. DIXON is a director of Business Intelligence at COMPENDITand was a SAP ‘platinum’consultant.W. H. INMON is the acknowledged ‘father of data warehousing’ andpartner in www.billinmon.com, a Web site for information on datawarehousing and related technologies.