Tác giả: L Frank Baum

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27 Ebooks bởi L Frank Baum

L Frank Baum: The Complete L. Frank Baum Collection
Compiled in one book, the essential collection of books by L. Frank Baum:American Fairy Tales Aunt Jane’s Nieces Abroad Aunt Jane’s Nieces and Uncle John Aunt Jane’s Nieces at Millville Aunt Jane’s N …
L Frank Baum: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children’s novel written by L. Frank Baum. The story chronicles the adventures of a young girl named Dorothy Gale in the Land of Oz, after being swept away from her Ka …
L Frank Baum: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz
Dorothy Gale is gladly joining her Uncle Henry in California to visit relatives who live at Hugson’s Ranch, after their vacation from Australia in Ozma of Oz. Dorothy meets Hugson’s nephew who is her …
L Frank Baum: Oz Lurralde Zoragarria
Oz lurralde zoragarria da Tip izeneko mutikoaren abenturik zoragarrien istorioa, Oz herrialde askotan zehar bidaiatzen zuen bitartean. Hemen ezagutuko dugu gure lagun zaharrekin Txorimalo eta zur itu …
L Frank Baum: አስደናቂ የኦዝ መሬት
የመሬት ድንቅ ኦውዝ የኦዝ ከተማ በሚገኙ ብዙ አገሮች ውስጥ እየተጓዘ ሳለ, ቲፕ የተባለ ወጣት ልጅ ያደረጋቸው ድንቅ ጀብድ ታሪክ ነው. እዚያም ስካይኮርድ እና ቲን ዉድማን ከመሳሰሉት የድሮ ጓደኞቻችን ጋር, እንዲሁም እንደ ጃክ ፐፕንኬን, አዲስ የእንግዳ ማረፊያ, የእንጨት ሳውሃውዝ, እጅግ በጣም የተዋበ ዎርጊል-ቡ …
L Frank Baum: አስደናቂ የ Oz
አስደናቂ የ Ozየዶናቲ ገማል እና ውሻዋን, ቶቶን, የካንሳስ ቤታቸው እንደ አውሎ ነፋስ ሲወገዱ, እና ኦዘል በሚባል አገር ውስጥ እራሳቸውን ያገኛሉ.እዚያም ማውንከንኪን ያገኘች ሲሆን ስካይሬልን, ታን ዉድማን እና አስቀያሚው አንሳውን የማይረሳ ጉዞውን ወደ ኤርሚል ሲቲ በሚዞርባት በኦር-ኦው-ኦሽ. …
L Frank Baum: Özün Gözəl Sehrbazdır
Gənc Dorothy Gale və onun it, onların Kanzas ev kimi bir siklon tərəfindən süpürülmək və onlar az adlı qəribə bir torpaq özləri tapmaq macəraları.Burada yeni dostlarla tanış olur və qorxunc, qalay ta …
L Frank Baum: La Meravellosa Terra d’Oz
La meravellosa terra d’Oz és la història de les meravelloses aventures del jove anomenat Tip mentre viatja per les moltes terres d’Oz. Aquí es reuneix amb els nostres …
L Frank Baum: Цудоўная Краіна Оз
Цудоўная краіна Оз гісторыя пра цудоўныя прыгоды маленькага хлопчыка па імя Савет, як ён падарожнічае па многім землям Оз. Тут ён сустракаецца з нашымі старымі сябрамі Страшыдла і волава драўніны чал …
L Frank Baum: Toka e Mrekullueshme e Ozit
Toka e Mrekullueshme e Ozit është historia e aventurave të mrekullueshme të djalit të ri me emrin Këshillë ndërsa ai udhëton nëpër shumë to …
L Frank Baum: Die Wonderlike Land van Oz
Die wonderlike land van Oz is die verhaal van die wonderlike avonture van die jong seun, genaamd Wenk, terwyl hy dwarsdeur die baie lande van Oz reis. Hier ontmoet hy ons ou vriende, die Vogelverschr …
Tiếng Nam Phi
L Frank Baum: Прекрасната Земя на Оз
Прекрасната земя на Оз е историята на прекрасните приключения на младото момче на име Съвет, докато пътува из много земи на Оз. Тук той се среща с нашите стари приятели – плашилото и мъжа от калай, к …
tiếng Bungari
L Frank Baum: ওজ এর বিস্ময়কর জমি
ওজের অসাধারণ ভূমি টিপ নামের তরুণ ছেলেটির চমৎকার বিস্ময়কর গল্প যা তিনি ওজের অনেক দেশ জুড়ে ভ্রমণ করেন। এখানে তিনি আমাদের পুরানো বন্ধুদের স্কেরক্রো এবং টিনের কাঠের লোকের সাথে সাথে জ্যাক কুমিরের মাথা, …
L Frank Baum: Divna Zemlja Oz
Čudesna zemlja Oza je priča o čudesnim avanturama mladog dječaka koji se zove Tip, dok putuje kroz mnoge zemlje Oza. Ovde se sreće sa našim starim prijateljima Strašilo i čovek od limen …
L Frank Baum: Die Wonderlike Towenaar van Oz
Die avonture van jong Dorothy Gale en haar hond, Toto, as hul Kansas-huis word deur ‘n sikloon weggevoer en hulle bevind hulself in ‘n vreemde land met die naam Oz.Hier ontmoet sy die Munchkins en sl …
Tiếng Nam Phi
L Frank Baum: أرض عوز الرائعة
أرض عوز الرائعة هي قصة المغامرات الرائعة للصبي المسمى تلميح وهو يسافر عبر العديد من أراضي أوز. هنا يلتقي مع أصدقائنا القدامى الفزاعة والرجل المصنوع من الصفيح ، بالإضافة إلى بعض الأصدقاء الجدد مثل جاك …
tiếng Ả Rập
L Frank Baum & Illustrated by F Richardson: QUEEN ZIXI OF IX – more adventures in the style of Dorothy’s Adventures in Oz
“Queen Zixi of Ix” was written by L Frank Baum, author of the many books in the Oz series and illustrated by F Richardson with 86 exquisitely detailed drawings. Our story starts on the night of a ful …
L. Frank Baum: The Sea Fairies
The Sea Fairies is a wonderful underwater adventure fantasy by the great American author L. Frank Baum. Baum wrote the best selling classic, The Wonderful World of Oz, and over a dozen other of the F …
L Frank Baum: The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz
The story chronicles the adventures of a young farm girl named Dorothy in the magical Land of Oz , after she and her pet dog Toto are swept away from their Kansas home by a cyclone. …
L Frank Baum: The Magic of Oz
The Magic of Oz: A Faithful Record of the Remarkable Adventures of Dorothy and Trot and the Wizard of Oz, Together with the Cowardly Lion, the Hungry Tiger and Cap'n Bill, in Their Successful Sea …
L Frank Baum: The Road to Oz
A Shaggy Man wanders past the Kansas farm where Dorothy Gale lives. He asks for directions, and while Dorothy is showing him the way, they meet a boy named Button-Bright and later encounter Polychrom …
L Frank Baum: Օզի Հրաշագործ Մոգությունը
Երիտասարդ դորոթի գալիի եւ իր շների արկածները, ինչպես իրենց Կանզասի տունը, ցրված է ցիկլոնով եւ հայտնվում են մի քիչ տարօրինակ հողի մեջ:Այստեղ նա հանդիպում է նոր ընկերների հետ եւ միանում է խրտվիլակին, թ …
L Frank Baum: Özün ən Gözəl Torpaqları
Özün gözəl torpaqları, Özün bir çox torpaqları boyunca gedərkən İp adlı gənc oğlanın gözəl sərgüzəştləri hekayəsidir. Burada köhnə yoldaşlarımız Qorqud …
L Frank Baum: الساحر الرائع لأوز
لساحر الرائع لأوزمغامرات دوروثي غيل الصغيرة وكلبها ، توتو ، كبيتهم في كانساس يجتاحهم الإعصار ويجدون أنفسهم في أرض غريبة تسمى أوز.هنا تلتقي بأصدقاء جدد وتنضم إلى فزّاعة ، القصدير وودمان ، وأسد الجبان …
tiếng Ả Rập
L Frank Baum: Magjistari i Mrekullueshëm i Oz
Aventurat e të rinjve Dorothy Gale dhe qeni i saj, Toto, si shtëpia e tyre në Kansas janë zhdukur nga një ciklon dhe ata e gjejnë veten në një vend të çuditshëm të quajtur Oz.Këtu ajo takon Munchkins …
L Frank Baum: American Fairy Tales
As well as writing The Wizard of Oz, L Frank Baum also wrote many other stories, such as this wonderful collection of fairy tales. Still as enjoyable today as when they were written, this wonderful c …
L Frank Baum: American Fairy Tales
As well as writing The Wizard of Oz, L Frank Baum also wrote many other stories, such as this wonderful collection of fairy tales. Still as enjoyable today as when they were written, this wonderful c …