Author Alan T. Arwine: Alan T. Arwine is a Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Kansas. Author Lawrence C. Mayer: Lawrence C. Mayer is a Professor of Political Science at Texas Tech University.
5 Ebooks bởi L. Mayer
A. Arwine & L. Mayer: The Changing Basis of Political Conflict in Advanced Western Democracies
Political conflict in Western democracies has traditionally emerged from politics rooted in competing ideologies and interests. With the rise of politics of identity, political conflict is morphing a …
C. Bernardi & B. Glättli: Widerspruch 65
Nach der Annahme der Initiative der Schweizerischen Volkspartei »Gegen die Masseneinwanderung« steht das Verhältnis der Schweiz zur EU grundsätzlich zur Disposition. Rechtspopulistische und fremdenfe …
tiếng Đức
L. Mayer & D. Nash: Catastrophic Flooding
This book, first published in 1987, contains a collection of papers presented at the 18th Binghamton Symposium, focusing on the topic of catastrophic flooding. These papers make the case for the care …
L. Mayer & D. Nash: Catastrophic Flooding
This book, first published in 1987, contains a collection of papers presented at the 18th Binghamton Symposium, focusing on the topic of catastrophic flooding. These papers make the case for the care …