The book is a collection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers presented in Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems (ICAEES 2014) held at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, India. These research papers provide the latest developments in the broad area of use of artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in engineering systems. The book discusses wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of the emerging techniques. It presents invited papers from the inventors/originators of new applications and advanced technologies.
Mục lục
1. Improvement in Hungarian Algorithm for Assignment Problem.- 2. Vertex Cover Problem – Revised Approximation Algorithm.- 3. A Simple Control Strategy Technique for a Single Phase Bridgeless Active Rectifier with High Power Factor and Voltage Stabilization Using Partial Digital Implementation.- 4. Ensemble Neural Network Algorithm for Detecting Cardiac Arrhythmia.- 5. An Efficient Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm for Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration and Loss Minimization.- 6. Implementation of Generative Crossover Operator in Genetic Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem.- 7. A 4-bit 9KS/s Distortionless Successive Approximation ADC in 180nm CMOS Technology.- 8. EEG Based Automatic Detection of Drowsy State.- 9. WIDS-Real Time Intrusion Detection System Using Entrophical Approach.- 10. Optical Character Recognition for Alphanumerical Character Verification in video Frames.- 11. Modified-AODV Routing Protocol for Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks.- 12. Theoretical Framework of the Algorithm to Thwart MAC Spoofing Do S Attack in Wireless Local Area Infrastructure Network.- 13. PCA Based Feature Selection for MRI Image Retrieval System Using Texture Features.- 14. A Survey of Location Prediction Using Trajectory Mining.- 15. Survey on Router Policies providing Fairness and Service Differentiation favoring Real Time Data Transfers in Internet.- 16. Exploration of the Effect of Demographic and Clinical Confounding Variables on Results of Voxel-Based Morphometric Analysis in Schizophrenia.- 17. A Novel Method for Secure Image Steganography.- 18. Techniques for Enhancing the Performance of TCP in Wireless Networks.- 19. Analysis of Classification Models Using Image Statistics and Data Miner for Grade Prediction of Astrocytoma.- 20. Object Detection in Cluttered Environment Using 3D Map.- 21. Smart Energy Meter with Instant Billing and Payment.- 22. GA Based Compiler Parameter Set Tuning.- 23. An Intelligent Intrusion Detection System Using Average Manhattan Distance Based Decision Tree.- 24. Intelligent Medical Diagnosis System Using Weighted Genetic and New Weighted Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm.- 25. Security Analysis in Cloud Environment.- 26. A Bi-Level Clustering Analysis for Studying About The Sources of Vehicular Pollution In Chennai.- 27. Investigation of Fault Detection Techniques for an Industrial Pneumatic Actuator Using Neural Network-DAMADICS Case Study.- 28. Design of Portable Security System Using Face Recognition with Back-Propagation Algorithm and MATLAB.- 29. Model Based Control for Moisture in Paper Making Process.- 30. Elimination of Harmonics in Seven Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique.- 31. Optimization and Quality of Service Protocols in VANETs : A Review.- 32. Object Detection Using Robust Image Features.- 33. Service Adaptive Fuzzy-Multi Criteria Based Intelligent Vertical Handover Decision Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.- 34. Automatic Traffic Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithm for Policy Based Routing in UMTS-WLAN Interworking.- 35. Sequential Decision Making Using Q Learning Algorithm for Diabetic Patients.- 36. Design of Quantum Cost and Delay Optimised Reversible Wallace Tree Multiplier Using Compressors.- 37. A Novel Authentication Framework for Hadoop.- 38. Fuzzy ART Based User Behavior Trust in Cloud Computing.- 39. Semi-supervised Learning Algorithm for Online Electricity Data Streams.- 40. An Efficient Continuous Speech recognition System for Dravidian Languages Using Support Vector Machine.- 41. Video Surveillance Tracking System Using Lab VIEW and Matlab.- 42. Stroke Detection in Brain Using CT Images.- 43. Preemptive Appliances Scheduling in Smart Home Using Genetic Algorithm.- 44. Credible Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks.- 45. Zumkeller Labeling Algorithms for Complete Bipartite Graphs and Wheel Graphs.- 46. An Unidentified Location-Based Efficient Routing Protocol in VANET.- 47. A Secure and Efficient Binding Update Scheme with Decentralized Design for Next Generation IP Mobility.- 48. Stego with Color Cue.- 49. Analysis Secure Seed Based Sturdy OTP via Convenient Carry-On Device.- 50. A (t, n) Secure Sum Multiparty Computation Protocol Using Multivariate Polynomial Secret Sharing Scheme.- 51. Small World Particle Swarm Optimizer for Real World Optimization Problems.- 52. A Comparative Study of Feature Ranking Methods in Recognition of Handwritten Numerals.- 53. Performance Evaluation of Pet Image Reconstruction Using Radial Basis Function Networks.- 54. Clustering for Knowledgeable Web Mining.- 55. Effective Path Discovery Among Clusters for secure transmission of Data’s in MANET.- 56. Quality of Service Analysis of AOMDV and AOMDV-MIMC Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.- 57. Particle Swarm Optimisation Based SONAR Image Enhancement for Underwater Target Detection.- 58. Intelligent Modeling and Optimization of ECM Process Parameters.- 59. An Effective Automation Testing Framework for OATS Tool.- 60. Multimodal Biometric Authentication System Based on Score Level Fusion of Palmprint and Finger Vein.- 61. Synergistic Clinical Trials with CAD Systems for the Early Detection of Lung Cancer.- 62. A Unified Framework for Network Bandwidth and Link Latency Detector Based on Cloud Computing.- 63. Development of Concatenative Syllable-Based Text to Speech Synthesis System for Tamil.- 64. Design of Low Power Blink Detector for Minimally Invasive Implantable Stimulator (SOC) Using 180nm Technology.- 65. Energy and Trust Based AODV for Quality of Service Affirmation in MANETs.- 66. Classification of Remote Sensing Image Based on Different Similarity Measures.- 67. A Start to Fail Frequency Technique for Detecting Hardware Trojan.- 68. A Novel Approach Based SUPM Method of Privacy Security Protocol in Near Field Communication Technology.- 69. Gabor Transform for the Time Frequency Localization of Impulse Faults in a Transformer.-70. A Modified Priority Based Multi Scheduler (PBMS) for Optical Network.- 71. Comparative Analysis of Digital Watermarking in Discrete Wavelet Transform and Mojette Transform.- 72. A Three Factor Authentication System for Smartcard Using Biometric, Visual Cryptography and OTP.- 73. Identifying Sound of RPW in-situ from External Sources.- 74. VNS Based Heuristic for Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem.- 75. Green Algorithm for Virtualized Cloud Systems to Optimize the Energy Consumption.- 76. S Transform for the Analysis of Impulse Faults in Transformer.- 77. Defensive Mechanism to Guard against Packet Droppers in Mobile Ad Hoc Network.- 78. Real Time Intrusion Prediction Using Hidden Markov Model with Genetic Algorithm.- 79. Detection of Power Quality Disturbances Based on Adaptive Neural Net and Shannon Entropy Method.- 80. Texture Feature Extraction Using MGRLBP Method for Medical Image Classification.- 81. A Novel Light Weight Protocol for Address Assignment in Ad Hoc Networks Based on Filters.- 82. Structural Refinement: An Effective OCL-Based Testing Approach.- 83. Dynamic Architecture and Performance Analysis of Secure and Efficient Key Management Scheme in Multicast Network.- 84. Mining Undemanding and Intricate Patterns with Periodicity in Time Series Databases.- 85. Group-Based Access Technique for Effective Resource Utilization and Access Control Mechanism in Cloud.- 86. Design of Fuzzy Logic Based p H Controller for High Pressure Rated Modified CSTR System.- 87. Level Control of Quadruple Tank Process with Finite Time Convergence Using Integral Terminal Sliding Mode Controller.- 88. An Enhanced Security Framework for a Cloud Application.- 89. Enhanced Role Based Access Control for Cloud Security.- 90. Model Predictive Controllers for Non-minimum Phase Quadruple Tank Process.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Dr. L. Padma Suresh obtained his doctorate from M S University and Dr. M.G.R University, respectively. He is presently working as a Professor and Head in Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, India. Dr. Suresh is well known for his contributions to the field in both research and education contributing over 50 research articles in journal and conferences. He is the editorial member of International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering and also served as reviewer for various reputed journals. He has been a life member of the Indian Society for Technical Education. He also served in many committees as Convener, Chair, and Advisory member for various external agencies. His research is currently focused on Artificial Intelligence, Power Electronics, Evolutionary Algorithms, Image Processing, and Control Systems.
Dr. Subhransu Sekhar Dash is presently working as a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Engineering College, SRM University, Chennai, India. He received his Ph.D. degree from College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University. He has more than seventeen years of research and teaching experience. His research areas are Power Electronics and Drives, Modeling of FACTS Controller, Power Quality, Power System Stability and Smart Grid. He is a Visiting Professor at Francois Rabelais University, POLYTECH, France. He is the chief editor of International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Dr. Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department in Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. He received his Ph.D. degree from Sambalpur University. He is serving as a chief editor to the International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion. His interests focus on Power Quality, FACTS Devices, Power System Protection, and AI Application to Power System.