Creating Holistic Technology-Enhanced Learning Experiences: Tales of a Future School in Singapore Editors: Lee Yong TAY & Cher Ping LIM The global level of economic, ecological, social, political and cultural integration across nation states and the rapid advancement of technology have brought about transformations that are part of globalisation. Our students are expected to be agents of change rather than passive observers of world events; and at the same time, to live together in an increasingly diverse and complex society and to reflect on and interpret fast changing information. In such a new world order, the holistic development of our students, namely in the cognitive, aesthetics, physical, social and moral, leadership and global domains, is pivotal. This edited book provides descriptive and interpretive accounts of how an elementary school in the Future Schools@Singapore programme creates holistic technology-enhanced learning experiences for its students at the classroom and school levels. By documenting these accounts and linking them to student learning outcomes, the school will lead the way in providing possible models for the seamless and pervasive integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the curriculum for the holistic development of our students.
Mục lục
Editorial; Foreword by Leslie S. Conery; Foreword by Nancy Law; Chapter 1Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Primary Education: Opportunities and Supporting Conditions; Chapter 2 Factors Affecting the ICT Integration and Implementation of One-to-One Computing Learning Environment in a Primary School – A Sociocultural Perspective; Chapter 3 Teaching with Technology in a Future School in Singapore: A Mathematics Teacher’s Experience; Chapter 4 Digital Storytelling and Drama in the English Language Classroom Prudence; Chapter 5 The Use of Knowledge Building tool for Science Learning in an Elementary School; Chapter 6 ‘I Can Animate!’ Project: A Multimodal Construction and Analysis of Animated Digital Stories; Chapter 7 The Making of the Future School: Experiencing the Process; Processing the Experience; Chapter 8 Developing and Sustaining Practitioner Research in Schools: Lessons from Teachers as Researchers in a Future School in Singapore; Chapter 9 A reflection of Our Journey into the Future – Sustaining and Transferring our Practices; Discussant Chapter 1 Observations from Afar: An Australian Response to Tales from a Future School in Singapore; Discussant Chapter 2 Looking Back at the Future School Journey: A Brief Review of the Teachers and Leaders’ Design and Research Effort from the Framework of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge; Discussant Chapter 3 Teachers as Agents of Change: Blending Research and Practice and Thoughts on Future Teacher Professional Development Opportunities; Discussant Chapter 4 Accelerating Educational Transformation through ICT: A Global Perspective; Contributors; About the Editors.