ZAHIRA KUNHI is an Academic Lecturer in higher education. She has taught in various education institutions, specifically English Language in high schools within Singapore as well as Academic Writing and Research skills in higher education within Australia. Her doctorate is a curriculum policy study that focuses on “21st century curriculum” in Australian contexts. Zahira is currently working on integrating contemporary learning approaches within the curriculum.
LESLEY VIDOVICH is a Professor of Education at the University of Western Australia. Her research interests centre on education policy within a wider context of globalisation and international policy flows. More specifically, her work has focused in the policy domains of curriculum, quality, equity and accountability. She has conducted research in the UK, Europe, North America, South America (Chile), Africa and Asia as well as Australia. Lesley is currently working on ARC grant research about ‘radical’ curriculum policy trends in higher education, across different countries. TOM O’DONOGHUE is Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education, the University of Western Australia. He is also an elected fellow of the Royal Historical Society (UK) and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. He is also a former President of the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society.His research is largely concerned with examining the historical antecedents of various contemporary educational issues
4 Ebooks bởi Lesley Vidovich
Susan Ledger & Lesley Vidovich: Global to Local Curriculum Policy Processes
This book explores the dynamics of curriculum policy processes involved in the adoption, production and enactment of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP), accredited by the …
Jon Yorke & Lesley Vidovich: Learning Standards and the Assessment of Quality in Higher Education: Contested Policy Trajectories
This book analyses accountability and quality policies relating to learning standards and examines their implications for assessment in higher education. Whilst primarily focusing on the Australian s …
Zahira Kunhi & Lesley Vidovich: Twenty-first Century Curriculum Policy
This book focuses on the phenomenon of a ‘21st century curriculum’ and its role in preparing students for work and life in a rapidly changing global knowledge society. Its context is the global and d …
Victoria Valdebenito Mac Farlane & Tom O’Donoghue: University Curriculum Transformations in Context
Education systems and universities around the world are currently seeking to strengthen their competitive positioning in today’s global knowledge era through curriculum policy transformations. These …