Tác giả: Liming Yu

Ủng hộ
Terence Odlin is an emeritus faculty member of Ohio State University, USA. He continues to pursue his long-standing interest in language transfer, including relevant aspects of translation theory. He is the author of numerous publications on the subject, including New Perspectives on Transfer in Second Language Learning (co-edited with Liming Yu, 2016, Multilingual Matters).

4 Ebooks bởi Liming Yu

Liming Yu & Terence Odlin: New Perspectives on Transfer in Second Language Learning
When people attempt to learn a new language, the language(s) they already know can help but also hinder their understanding or production of new forms. This phenomenon, known as language transfer, is …
JR Wirth: Il Fato di Destiny
Più si avvicinarono alla porta, più la situazione diventò bizzarra. Potevo vedere delle piccole teste che sbucavano da dietro delle spesse tende bordeaux, che coprivano sia il garage che le finestre. …
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Mike Sims: La Croce del Sud
Cosa succederebbe se tutte le stelle lassù fossero sbagliate e la terra sotto di loro fosse fuori posto? Miguel, un ragazzino di un villaggio povero in Messico, sogna un giorno di dive …
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Terence Odlin & Liming Yu: New Perspectives on Transfer in Second Language Learning
When people attempt to learn a new language, the language(s) they already know can help but also hinder their understanding or production of new forms. This phenomenon, known as language transfer, is …