Tác giả: M. R. C. Kasasian

Ủng hộ
Johannes Sabinski, geboren 1964, studierte Amerikanistik an der FU Berlin. Seit 1996 ist er als Übersetzer tätig und lebt in Berlin.

24 Ebooks bởi M. R. C. Kasasian

M.R.C. Kasasian: Room of the Dead
A cold-blooded killer stalks a sleepy Suffolk town in this pitch-perfect WWII crime mystery. December 1939. Sackwater Police Station feels a million miles from the war effort. Elderly Mr Orchard keep …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Il giallo di Gaslight Street
Le indagini dei detective di Gower St. Londra, 1883. La vita scorre tranquilla al civico 125 di Gower Street. Il detective “personale” Sidney Grice si dedica a tempo pieno alla lettura dei suoi libri …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Gli strani delitti di Steep House
Le indagini dei detective di Gower St. Londra, 1884. Al civico 125 di Gower Street, che corrisponde all’indirizzo di Sidney Grice, il più famoso detective privato della città, regna la pace. Dopo le …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: I delitti di Mangle Street
È arrivato il nuovo Sherlock Holmes! Le indagini dei detective di Gower Street Londra, 1882. Il celebre detective Sidney Grice è stato nominato tutore legale di una ragazza rimasta orfana da poco, Ma …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: La maledizione di casa Foskett
È arrivato il nuovo Sherlock Holmes! Le indagini dei detective di Gower St. Londra, 1882. Sidney Grice, il detective privato più famoso della città, è costretto a fare i conti con un giro di clienti …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Il mistero di Villa Saturn
Le indagini dei detective di Gower St. Londra, 1883. Sidney Grice, il più famoso detective della città, ha accettato un caso nello Yorkshire e ha lasciato la sua pupilla March Middleton a occuparsi d …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Le insolite indagini del detective Sidney Grice
I delitti di Mangle Street La maledizione di Casa Foskett il mistero di Villa Saturn 3 romanzi in 1 Grande successo in Inghilterra  È eccentrico, esigente e pignolo, e in tutta l’Inghilterra nes …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Betty Church und der Schrecken von Suffolk
Vorhang auf für Inspector Betty Church – charmant, resolut und nie ums richtige Wort verlegen England, 1939: Ein grauenvolles Verbrechen erschüttert das verschlafene Küstenstädtchen Sackwater im Coun …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Mangle Street Murders
Fresh, funny crime series for fans of Jasper Fforde and M.C. Beaton. ‘Delightful and original… A series that could well become a cult’ DAILY MAIL. 125 Gower Street, 1882. Queen Victoria may sit on …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Curse of the House of Foskett
Fresh, funny crime series for fans of Jasper Fforde and M.C. Beaton. ‘Delightful and original… A series that could well become a cult’ DAILY MAIL. 125 Gower Street, 1882. Sidney Grice once had a re …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Death Descends On Saturn Villa
Fresh, funny crime series for fans of Jasper Fforde and M.C. Beaton. ‘Delightful and original… A series that could well become a cult’ DAILY MAIL. 125 Gower Street, 1883. Sidney Grice is London’s f …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Secrets of Gaslight Lane
Fresh, funny crime series for fans of Jasper Fforde and M.C. Beaton. ‘Delightful and original… A series that could well become a cult’ DAILY MAIL. 125 Gower Street, 1883. All is quiet at 125 Gower …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Dark Dawn Over Steep House
Fresh, funny historical mystery series for fans of Jasper Fforde and M.C. Beaton.’Delightful and original… A series that could well become a cult’ Daily Mail 125 Gower Street, London, 1884. Sidney …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Betty Church and the Suffolk Vampire
A man is murdered in broad daylight by a stealthy killer in this pitch-perfect WWII crime mystery. September 1939. Inspector Betty Church one of the few female officers on the force has arrived from …
Kasasian M.R.C. Kasasian: Complete Gower Street Detective
Collected in a single volume for the first time, the complete Gower Street Detective series. Sidney Grice, London’s most famous personal detective, is expecting a visitor. He drains his fifth pot of …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Ghost Tree
Pitch-perfect World War Two crime for fans of Agatha Christie and Jasper Fforde. Detective Betty Church is forced to revisit ghosts from her past when a skeleton is found buried in the woods. July, 1 …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Dunkle Schatten über Steep House
London, 1884: In den düsteren Straßen von Limehouse wird eine junge Frau angegriffen, direkt danach ereignet sich ein zweiter Vorfall mitten in einem überfüllten Café.   In der Gower Street 125, dem …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Der Fluch des Hauses Foskett
Sidney Grice ist zurück, und seine Laune ist nicht besser geworden! Die Stimmung in der Gower Street 125 ist mies. Seit Sidney Grice durch seine Ermittlungen einen unschuldigen Mann an den Galgen geb …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Tod in der Villa Saturn
Band 3 der Gower Street Detective Reihe! Seit dem Tod ihres Vaters lebt March Middleton bei Londons berühmtestem Privatdetektiv, stadtbekannt für seine Brillianz und sein bärbeißiges Wesen. Eines Tag …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Die Geheimnisse der Gaslight Lane
Endlich ein neuer kurioser Fall für Sidney Grice, Londons besten Detektiv! Alles ist ruhig in der Gower Street 125 – zu ruhig. Während Sidney Grice über die anatomische Struktur menschlichen Haares n …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Mord in der Mangle Street
Start der etwas anderen Krimireihe mit Sidney Grice und March Middleton! London 1882. Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters begibt sich die junge March Middleton in die Obhut ihres Patenonkels: Sidney Grice, Eng …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: XXL-LESEPROBE: Kasasian – Mord in der Mangle Street
Start der etwas anderen Krimireihe mit Sidney Grice und March Middleton! London 1882. Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters begibt sich die junge March Middleton in die Obhut ihres Patenonkels: Sidney Grice, Eng …
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M.R.C. Kasasian: Horror of Haglin House
Home is where the horror is… Jilted thriller writer Lady Violet Thorn has withdrawn to the Suffolk market town of Montford with two servants and her leading character, the adventuress Ruby Gibson, …
M.R.C. Kasasian: Montford Maniac
A crazed killer. A town in terror. A mystery ten years in the making… Lady Violet Thorn’s awful Aunt Igitha arrives uninvited to stay, wreaking havoc in the household. When Violet plucks up courage …