Professor Mulk Raj Chilana, Consultant School of Practical Philosophy. Johannesberg, South Africa and President. Servitors Association of Value Education (SAVK International) Formerly Professor of Education. National Council of Educational Research and Training. New Delhi and Deputy Education Adviser. Govt, of India. A scholar and senior Research Fellow of UNESCO for two years for studies abroad. Also British Council Fellow for one year for research and post-graduate work in England. On study tours and visiting Professor in African. American. Asian and European countries. Research Guide and Examiner of doctoral and post-graduate research candidates. Undertook research studies in value-oriented education in different countries. Holds unflinching belief that value education is panacea for social upliftment and individual (lowering. Life-long education being his cherished point of action, he is focussed on assisting teachers in their consciousness raising and self actualization Also gives high priority to international cooperation for building up global perspective in all educational actuaries. As founder president of Servitors Association of Value Education. Prof Chilana is committed to heed, assist and teach to all necessitous calls. M.L. Dewan. Soil Scientist and Soil & Water Conservationist. Honorary Advisor Trees for Life-an International N.G.O. and Founder Chairman-Himalaya Consortium for Himalayan Conservation (TFL HIMCON). with about 40 years experience, is Retired Chief Food & Agriculture Organization (of United Nations) Regional Bureau for Asia and Pacific. He has long experience in mountain systems and has built a Centre at Village Ranichauri in District Tehri Garhwal. U.P. and is living part of the time with the Himalayan Communities. Dr. Dewan has authored “People”s Participation in Himalayan Eco-System Development” and four other books in “Discover Himalayan Series” and has also written-over 100 articles and papers on Soil and Water Conservation. Watershed Management and Promotion of self-reliance in Himalayan communities. Dr. Dewan believes The Human Values Adoption is a Task for All and is Key to Nation Building.
1 Ebooks bởi M. R. Chilana
M. R. Chilana & M. L. Dewan: Human Values: A Task for All
Swami Vivekananda’s inspiring personality was well known both in lndia and in America during the last decade of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth. The unknown monk of lndia …