Peter A. Khaiter is an Associate Professor, School of Information Technology, York University, Canada. He is also active in the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society where he holds or held positions of Vice-President and Board member. His primary research interests are in the areas of sustainable environmental management and development; modeling of various complex systems; machine learning techniques for environmental applications; ecosystem services, dynamics and stability; socio-economic and ecological systems; economic assessment and management of natural resources; environmental economics. He published over 70 peer reviewed papers including a recent book on sustainability appraisal in Springer Eco Production series. He is a recipient of Elsevier Award for Excellence in Reviewing, Journal of Ecological Modelling. Marina G. Erechtchoukova is an Associate Professor, School of Information Technology, York University, Canada. She also serves as s Secretary of International Environmental Modelling and Software Society. Her primary research interests are in the fields of quantitative methods for environmental sustainability assessment including application of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to environmental resources management, simulation modeling of complex systems, semistructured data modeling, optimization of environmental monitoring systems. She published over 65 peer reviewed papers and a book devoted to environmental sustainability appraisal in Springer Eco Production series. She received Outstanding Reviewer Awards from the Elsevier and ACM journals.
2 Ebooks bởi Marina G. Erechtchoukova
Peter A. Khaiter & Marina G. Erechtchoukova: Sustainability Perspectives: Science, Policy and Practice
The book presents methodological and applied aspects of sustainability and sustainable management from different countries and regions around the globe. It discusses approaches to sustainability asse …
Marina G Erechtchoukova & Peter A Khaiter: Sustainability Appraisal: Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Techniques for Environmental Performance Evaluation
One of the most important issues in developing sustainable management strategies and incorporating ecodesigns in production, manufacturing and operations management is the assessment of the sustainab …