Tác giả: Mark Heywood

Ủng hộ
Mark Heywood has been the Executive Director of the public interest law centre SECTION27 since 2010. Before that, he headed the AIDS Law Project (ALP) for thirteen years. Heywood also serves on the executive of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), an organisation he co-founded in 1999. Among several other organisations he helped create, the #Save South Africa campaign, started in 2016, #Unite Against Corruption, started in 2015, and Corruption Watch (2012) are among the most prominent. Heywood chaired the UNAIDS Global Reference Group on HIV and Human Rights from 2006 to 2012, and served as deputy chair of the South African National AIDS Council from 2007 to 2012. He has been involved extensively in successful human rights litigation and is the author of more than 300 op-eds, essays, peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on legal, ethical and rights questions linked to HIV/AIDS, health, politics, law and literature. A veteran of more than 150 marathons, he has run over 30 ultra-marathons and completed the iconic Comrades Marathon 17 times. He lives in Johannesburg.

6 Ebooks bởi Mark Heywood

Mark Heywood: Get Up! Stand Up!
Mark Heywood plays a pivotal role in South African public life and the movement for social justice. He has spearheaded momentous victories for poor people, establishing the right to antiretroviral tr …
Richard Calland & Steven Friedman: Mbeki and After
For nearly ten years – indeed more if we include his period of influence under Mandela’s presidency – Thabo Mbeki bestrode South Africa’s political stage. Despite attempts by some in the new ANC lead …
William K. Carroll & Leah Hunt-Hendrix: Capitalism’s Crises
The contributors to this volume draw on a non-dogmatic Marxist approach to explain the systemic and conjunctural dynamics of crisis inherent in global capitalism. Their analysis asks what is historic …
Richard Calland & Jane Duncan: Mbeki and After
For nearly ten years – indeed more if we include his period of influence under Mandela’s presidency – Thabo Mbeki bestrode South Africa’s political stage. Despite attempts by some in the new ANC lead …
Andreas Bieler & William K. Carroll: Capitalism’s Crises
The contributors to this volume draw on a non-dogmatic Marxist approach to explain the systemic and conjunctural dynamics of crisis inherent in global capitalism. Their analysis asks what is historic …
Mark Heywood: Wolf Who Cried Wolf