Tác giả: Martin George

Ủng hộ
Martin George has a very varied portfolio, having spent over thirty years as a “people person.” Whether it’s helping people deal with complex barriers to work or leading groups of travelers to some of the world’s stunning locations, his passion to help people make the most out of their lives is evident. Martin sees Billy as an extension of his work. He hopes that those in a similar position to Billy can see that if they will only admit they need help, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

1 Ebooks bởi Martin George

Martin George & Jens Herlth: Tolstoj als theologischer Denker und Kirchenkritiker
Tolstojs theologische Schriften stehen im Schatten seiner berühmten Romane und sind heute weithin vergessen. Über hundert Jahre nach dem Tod des Schriftstellers machen die Herausgeber dieses Bandes e …
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