Martin Kay was born in Ceylon and educated in Scotland, England and Ireland. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Limerick and his home is in Munster, Ireland. His first career was at sea in the British Royal Navy where he specialized as a maritime helicopter pilot. In his second career, he has specialized in coastal and rural regeneration and taken a particular interest in communities in turmoil at the interface with the State.
Between 2012 and 2014, Martin became increasingly involved with the Estuary and lower reaches of the River Shannon, particularly with Riverbank communities and their culture. In February 2014, the area known as King”s Island, Limerick, a depressed part of the City, was severely flooded – and he remained closely in contact with the affected residents and the events that followed. Within the year, he published a narrative entitled The Limerick Flood of 2014: Climate Change and a Case of Unpreparedness which was described as “the missing link between the “real-life” experience of people affected by climate change and the “deskbound” reality in which plans and administrative considerations are formulated” (Prof John Sweeney, NUI Maynooth). Martin”s conclusions are consistent with the findings of a Comptroller & Auditor General official investigation.
Expressly declaring his dissent from the official version of events, Martin cast around for other topical examples and obtained the agreement of Fr Tony Flannery (Galway) and Peter Oborne (London) to his drawing upon their quite different experiences of confronting greater power. Professor Pugliesi”s biography of Ignazio Silone provided the fourth case study to be analysed in The Solitary Voice of Dissent. Martin has written three other books on unrelated subjects.
7 Ebooks bởi Martin Kay
Martin Kay: The Solitary Voice of Dissent
This book urges respect for solitary dissent rather than censure. It equips a wide audience to understand what previously seemed unimaginable, much less comprehensible. It shows the reader how to rea …
Martin Kay: Kampf um Thardos
Der Planet Thardos wird von einer fremden Macht überfallen. Nur mit Not gelingt es, einen Hilferuf in die Weiten des Alls zu entsenden. Doch das Signal benötigt fünfhundert Jahre, ehe es einen Außenp …
tiếng Đức
Dirk van den Boom & Sylke Brandt: Rettungskreuzer Ikarus 1 – 10: Die Feuertaufe (und 9 weitere Romane)
Es sind wilde Zeiten … … in einer fernen Zukunft, in der sich die menschliche wie alle anderen Zivilisationen endgültig von den Auswirkungen einer längst vergangenen, in den Köpfen bereits völlig …
tiếng Đức
Martin Kay: Dorian Hunter 41 – Dunkle Seelen
Der Dämonenkiller Dorian Hunter folgt seinem alternden Freund Trevor Sullivan nach London, um die von Dämonen besetzte Jugendstilvilla zurückzuerobern. Gleichzeitig schickt eine venezolanische Hexe z …
tiếng Đức
Dirk van den Boom & Sylke Brandt: Rettungskreuzer Ikarus 11 – 20: Verschollen im Nexoversum (und 9 weitere Romane)
Es sind wilde Zeiten … … in einer fernen Zukunft, in der sich die menschliche wie alle anderen Zivilisationen endgültig von den Auswirkungen einer längst vergangenen, in den Köpfen bereits völlig …
tiếng Đức
Martin Kay: Überrannt
Es beginnt in Schweden und breitet sich von dort über die ganze Welt aus. Das große Sterben. Menschen fallen ohne ersichtlichen Grund tot um. Die Experten sind ratlos und vermuten zunächst den Ausbru …
tiếng Đức
Martin Kay & Sylke Brandt: Rettungskreuzer Ikarus 21 – 30: Kaisersturz (und 9 weitere Romane)
Es sind wilde Zeiten … … in einer fernen Zukunft, in der sich die menschliche wie alle anderen Zivilisationen endgültig von den Auswirkungen einer längst vergangenen, in den Köpfen bereits völlig …
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