Tác giả: Martin Mullins

Ủng hộ
Maria Heep-Altiner is the head of the Research Group Financial & Actuarial Risk Management (Fa Ris) of the Institute for Insurance Studies at the TH Köln – University of Applied Science and as a lecturer responsible for the topic “Financial Management in Insurance Companies” where she has published several monographs in the past. Furthermore, she is a board member of the German Actuarial Association (DAV) as well as a scientific member of the advisory board of the German Insurance Supervisor (Ba Fin). In the past, Ms. Heep-Altiner has also been a scientific member of the EIOPA Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group. Martin Mullins is the head of the Department of Accounting and Finance at the Kemmy Business School (University of Limerick) and a Senior Lecturer in Risk and Insurance. He is currently working on a number of insurance related research projects, including three EU Commission funded projects in the area of emerging technologies and risk transfer. He maintains strong links with the insurance industry and works closely with Lloyd’s of London and XL Catlin on emerging risk. His work also encompasses the area of applied ethics as it pertains to new technologies. He is member of the international advisory board at The Center for Ethics & Value Inquiry (CEVI) at the Ghent University in Belgium. In the past, Martin Mullins has been a key member of an EU-China partnership team engaging with civil servants and academics in the area of financial regulation across China.  Torsten Rohlfs is a member of the Research Group Financial & Actuarial Risk Management (Fa Ris) of the Institute for Insurance Studies at the TH Köln - University of Applied Science and as a lecturer responsible for the topic “Risk Management in the Insurance Industry” where he has published several monographs in the past.Furthermore, he is a member of the Chamber of Public Accountants (WPK) and a member of the Assekurata Rating Committee. 

4 Ebooks bởi Martin Mullins

Finbarr Murphy & Eamonn M. McAlea: Managing Risk in Nanotechnology
This book aims to address how nanotechnology risks are being addressed  by scientists, particularly in the areas of human health and the environment and how these risks can be measured in financ …
Maria Heep-Altiner & Martin Mullins: Solvency II in the Insurance Industry
This book illustrates the EU-wide Solvency II framework for the insurance industry,  which was implemented on January 1, 2016, after a long project phase. Analogous to the system for banks, it …
Martin Mullins: In the Shadow of the Generals
Providing an in-depth study of the construction of foreign policy in developing countries, Martin Mullins takes an original line of both a post-positivist methodology and an acceptance of the importa …
Martin Mullins: In the Shadow of the Generals
Providing an in-depth study of the construction of foreign policy in developing countries, Martin Mullins takes an original line of both a post-positivist methodology and an acceptance of the importa …