Tác giả: Martin Rossler

Ủng hộ
Julia Pauli ist Professorin am Institut für Ethnologie der Universität Hamburg.

4 Ebooks bởi Martin Rossler

Anna-Teresa Grumblies & Michaela Haug: Rethinking Power Relations in Indonesia
Since colonial rule, the island of Java served as Indonesia’s imagined centre and prime example of development, while the Outer Islands were constructed as the state’s marginalised periphery. Recent …
Anna-Teresa Grumblies & Michaela Haug: Rethinking Power Relations in Indonesia
Since colonial rule, the island of Java served as Indonesia’s imagined centre and prime example of development, while the Outer Islands were constructed as the state’s marginalised periphery. Recent …
Christoph Antweiler & Bettina Beer: Ethnologie
Das Erforschen kultureller Vielfalt ist zentraler Gegenstand der Ethnologie. 25 Autor_innen aus Instituten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz bieten Einblick in das Fach, seine Inhalte und th …
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