Why do projects succeed or fail? Can managers influence the outcome of a project? Are there core indicators that are extremely important in reaching targeted goals, values and – pectations? Nearly every manager responsible for a project has to deal with such questions sooner or later. This is especially the case for projects that are innovative to an organization. With the emergence of global communication technologies and driven by the desire of corporations to take advantage of the lower costs of production and skilled labor in devel- ing countries, the movement in German-speaking countries to export work offshore has – perienced a notable rise in popularity. The offshoring of information technology and software development has spawned an entire industry. Still, many offshore projects do not live up to their expectations. This book offers an enlightening and detailed analysis of the phenomenon of offshoring software development and its critical success factors. The critical success factor approach – lows management to harness the organization’s resources on those issues that will make a d- ference. It will help to focus attention on major concerns and guide businesses in creating and measuring success.
Mục lục
Research Design.- Research Design.- Research Background.- State-of-the-Art of IT Outsourcing.- Management of Offshore Software Development Projects.- Critical Success Factors of Offshore Software Development Projects.- Identification of Critical Success Factors.- Analysis of Critical Success Factors.- Management of Critical Success Factors.- Conclusions.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Dr. Martin Wiener promovierte bei Prof. Dr. Michael Amberg am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Wirtschaftsinformatik III der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.