Tác giả: Mary Chesnut

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3 Ebooks bởi Mary Chesnut

Mary Chesnut: Diary from Dixie
Born into Southern aristocracy, Mary Boykin Chesnut (1823–86) married a rising star of the political scene who ultimately served as an aide to Confederate President Jefferson Davis. As a promin …
Mary Chesnut & Carme Manuel Cuenca: Páginas de un diario de la guerra civil
Este volumen presenta una selección del diario que Mary Chesnut compuso durante la guerra civil norteamericana. La importancia de la obra de Chesnut radica en la novedad de la construcción, desde la …
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Mary Chesnut: A Diary from Dixie
A Diary from Dixie is considered by many to be the most important work produced by a Confederate author. As a prominent hostess and popular guest in the highest circles of Confederate society, M …