Tác giả: Matthias Klumpp

Ủng hộ
W. Henk M. Zijm is a full professor in Production and Supply Chain Management at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems at the University of Twente since 1990. Previously, he has been project manager at Philips Electronics in Eindhoven, and professor in Operations Management at the Eindhoven University of Technology.  At the University of Twente, he served among others as Director of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Rector Magnificus (Vice Chancellor). Professor Zijm is also a past president of ISIR (the International Society for Inventory Research, Budapest). In 2010, he was appointed as scientific director of the Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (DINALOG), a national institute responsible for executing the Dutch government imposed innovation program on logistics and supply chain management. Between 2014and 2016 he also served as vice-chair of the European Technology Platform for Logistics, which helps to design roadmaps that drive the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program in Transport and Logistics. Professor Zijm has published more than 120 articles in international refereed scientific journals and is the (co-)author of three books. He has been a consultant to a wide variety of industrial organisations in the Netherlands and in Europe.Matthias Klumpp is a full professor in logistics at FOM University of Applied Sciences Essen and research group leader in production and logistics at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics in Dortmund (Germany). His research is addressing primarily topics regarding artificial intelligence and digital business concepts, sustainability as well as qualification and training in the supply chain and logistics field. He has held several visiting and policy positions e.g. at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (University of Lugano, Switzerland), University of Twente (Netherlands), European University Institute (Florence School of Regulation) and for the ESCO Expert Group on Qualification in Logistics for the European Commission (Brussels, Belgium).  Alberto Regattieri is a full professor in Logistics and Head of the Management Engineering Master Course at the University of Bologna (Italy). His current research interests include the optimal design of manufacturing systems, innovative approaches to design and manage Supply Chains, Industrial Logistics,   control and maintenance of industrial plants. He is/was responsible of several research projects in co-operation with – and funded by – European Commission, private and public companies, universities and international research centers regarding supply chain and logistics fields. He published more than 170 scientific papers.  Sunderesh S. Heragu is Regents Professor and Head of the School of Industrial Engineering and Management at Oklahoma State University where he holds the Donald and Cathey Humphreys Chair. Previously, he was the Duthie Chair in Engineering Logistics and Director of the Logistics and Distribution Institute (Lo DI) at the University of Louisville. He has also served as Professor of at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Assistant Professor in State University of New York, Plattsburgh, and held visiting appointments at: State University of New York, Buffalo; Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands; University of Twente, the Netherlands; and IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY.  He is author of the 4th edition of Facilities Design and has authored or co-authored over two hundred articles. He has served as Principal investigator or co-investigator on research projects totaling over $20 million funded by federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, National Science Foundation, Defense Logistics Agency and private companies such as General Electric. Dr. Heragu is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) and has received IISE’s David F. Baker Distinguished Research award, Award for Technical Innovation in Industrial Engineering.

9 Ebooks bởi Matthias Klumpp

Matthias Klumpp & Sander de Leeuw: Humanitarian Logistics and Sustainability
This contributed volume combines conceptual and strategic research articles dealing with the ‘why’ and ‘to what end’ of sustainable operations in humanitarian logistics, as well as operational resear …
Henk Zijm & Matthias Klumpp: Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation
This contributed volume presents state-of-the-art advances in logistics theory in various fields as well as case studies. The book reports on a number of recently conducted studies in the Dinalog and …
Henk Zijm & Matthias Klumpp: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
This book provides an overview of important trends and developments in logistics and supply chain research, making them available to practitioners, while also serving as a point of reference for …
Uwe Clausen & Michael Hompel: Efficiency and Logistics
The „Effizienz Cluster Logistik Ruhr“ was a winner in the Leading Edge Science Cluster competition run by the German federal Ministry of Education and Research. The mission and aim of the „Effizienz …
Matthias Klumpp & Irma Rybnikowa: Differenzierte Studienformen
Das klassische Präsenzstudium ist nur eine von vielen Möglichkeiten, das Hochschulstudium zu gestalten. Die Weiterentwicklung des Hochschulangebots hin zu differenzierten Studienformen kann ganz neue …
tiếng Đức
Rosalind M. O. Pritchard & Matthias Klumpp: Diversity and Excellence in Higher Education
‘Diversity and excellence in Higher Education seem to be conflicting concepts. Nevertheless, they are dynamic and closely intertwined — indeed they may even require each other. The book brings toget …
Matthias Klumpp & Caroline Ruiner: Digital Supply Chains and the Human Factor
This book covers topics such as digitalization of production, operations, logistics and supply chains leading to new requirements for human capabilities and collaboration. The content is relevant for …
Matthias Klumpp: Studienformen und Lernverhalten
Inwieweit beeinflusst die Studienform das Lernverhalten der Studierenden? In seiner Datenerhebung vergleicht der Autor Vollzeitstudiengänge mit berufsbegleitenden bzw. dualen Angeboten. Im Ergebnis w …
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Matthias Klumpp & Thomas Hanke: Ergonomie in der Intralogistik
Durch sich verändernde physische und digitale Prozesse in der Intralogistik entstehen neue Herausforderungen an die Ergonomie und Arbeitsgestaltung. Besonders betroffen sind Lagerprozesse, Kommission …
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