Tác giả: Mauro Carbone

Ủng hộ
Emmanuel de Saint Aubert is Research Director at the Husserl Archives in Paris (National Center for Scientific Research, École Normale Supérieure). His research bears most particularly on the work of Merleau-Ponty, rereading him through the lens of an overall knowledge of numerous unpublished writings. Among his books are Vers une ontologie indirecte: Sources et enjeux critiques de l’appel à l’ontologie chez Merleau-Ponty (Vrin, 2006) and Être et chair I: Du corps au désir—L’habilitation ontologique de la chair (Vrin, 2013).

10 Ebooks bởi Mauro Carbone

Huberman & Alberto Abruzzese: I percorsi dell’immaginazione. Studi in onore di Pietro Montani
I percorsi dell’immaginazione. Studi in onore di Pietro Montani è un volume che vuole rendere omaggio a uno dei maggiori studiosi italiani di estetica, di cinema, di arti e nuove tecnologie.Diviso in …
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Galen A. Johnson & Mauro Carbone: Merleau-Ponty’s Poetic of the World
Merleau-Ponty has long been known as one of the most important philosophers of aesthetics, yet most discussions of his aesthetics focus on visual art. This book corrects that balance by turning to Me …
Mauro Carbone: Philosophy-Screens
In The Flesh of Images, Mauro Carbone analyzed Merleau-Ponty’s interest in film and modern painting as it relates to his aesthetic theory and as it illuminates our contemporary relationship to images …
Mauro Carbone: An Unprecedented Deformation
French novelist Marcel Proust made famous ‘involuntary memory, ‘ a peculiar kind of memory that works whether one is willing or not and that gives a transformed recollection of past experience. More …
Mauro Carbone: The Flesh of Images
In The Flesh of Images, Mauro Carbone begins with the point that Merleau-Ponty’s often misunderstood notion of ‘flesh’ was another way to signify what he also called ‘Visibility.’ Considering vision …
Emmanuel de Saint Aubert & Mauro Carbone: Merleau-Ponty’s Poetic of the World
Merleau-Ponty has long been known as one of the most important philosophers of aesthetics, yet most discussions of his aesthetics focus on visual art. This book corrects that balance by turning to Me …
Reda Bensamaia & Mauro Carbone: L”Art sans sujet
Approches philosophique, littéraire et esthétique autour de l”interrogation innovante et audacieuse de la notion fondamentale qu”est le sujet dans l”art. « Il n’y a pas de sujets. Il n’y a qu’un s …
tiếng Pháp
Reda Bensamaia & Mauro Carbone: L”Art sans sujet
Approches philosophique, littéraire et esthétique autour de l”interrogation innovante et audacieuse de la notion fondamentale qu”est le sujet dans l”art. « Il n’y a pas de sujets. Il n’y a qu’un s …
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Mauro Carbone & Graziano Lingua: Toward an Anthropology of Screens
This book shows that screens don’t just distribute the visible and the invisible, but have always mediated our body’s relationships with the physical and anthropological-cultural environment. By comb …
Mauro Carbone & Graziano Lingua: Antropologia degli schermi
Gli schermi che ci circondano, che portiamo addosso o che addirittura stiamo diventando ci spingono a interrogarci sui loro rapporti col nostro corpo. Una novità assoluta per noi umani? Tutt’altro. E …
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