Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. From this teaching it is apparent that the great spiritual hierarchies which are now guiding our evo lution, have had their training for this path in pre vious schemes of manifestation, also that what they are now doing, we Shall some day do for others. Already the foremost among our race are treading the path Of initiation, and have thereby advanced into other stages, far beyond the general status of present humanity. It has been learned that those who have gone through the Mercurial School of the lesser Mysteries, and have graduated from the School of the Greater Mysteries are now preparing human evolution in the Jupiter Period. They have entered the planet Jupiter, by way of one Of the Moons, which serves as a stepping stone. Others there are, unfortunately, who have gone the other way. We read in the Rosicrucian cosmo-conception, that even as the whole population of the earth were at one time expelled from the present Sun because Of their inability to keep up with the vibrations Of the beings thereon, thus hindering them and being hindered themselves, so also it became necessary in the Lemur ian Epoch, to expel a number of the stragglers upon earth. Thus the Moon was cast out into Space to revolve as a Satelite around our present planet’.