This raw and powerful story is for anyone who has felt unworthy, who has hit rock bottom, who has been hurt by the church, or who has felt like an outcast. From drug dealer to pastor on a mission to bring church ‘to the wild, ‘ Michael Beck invites you into a journey of healing where all are met with compassion and where transformation happens as we make space for each other’s wounds. Discover how God can bring forth beauty from ashes by getting down in the gray soot of our wounds to paint our lives beautiful again.
Mục lục
Opening Parable: Children in the Ashes
Introduction: The Dungeon Flamed with Light
Chapter 1: Butterflies of Eden
Chapter 2: Gift of Desperation
Chapter 3: Adoption
Chapter 4: Hurt People Hurt People
Chapter 5: To Be Loved
Chapter 6: Seeing the Face of God
Chapter 7: A Broken Hallelujah
Chapter 8: Angels in Green Suits with Handcuffs
Chapter 9: Design for Living
Chapter 10: Learning Back to Life
Chapter 11 Only as Sick as Our Secrets
Chapter 12: The Great Cloud of Withnesses
Chapter 13: Imagination: Finding Your Superpower
Chapter 14: Shepherd Malpractice
Chapter 15: A Church in the Wild
Conclusion: A Gallery in the Garden: A Parable
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Michael Adam Beck is an ‘anairetoi.’ In ancient Rome, this was a child saved from the trash heap… ‘a picked-up one.’ Abandoned by his biological mother, biological father unknown, his grandparents died when he was young. He became a street kid, ninth-grade drop-out, and repeat felon. He was ‘picked up’ by the local Methodist church and nurtured in a community of love and forgiveness.Today, Reverend Dr. Michael Beck is the Director of the Fresh Expressions House of Studies at United Theological Seminary, Director of Remissioning for Fresh Expressions US, and Cultivator of Fresh Expressions Florida UMC. Michael and wife Jill are co-pastors of Wildwood/St Marks UMCs, and a network of thirteen fresh expressions gathering in tattoo parlors, dog parks, burrito joints, and digital spaces.