Vision in the Forest tells the tale of Thorfinn Oakenshield, a young Viking who becomes stranded on the shores of the New World known as Vinland. Come along on his journey into the deep forest as he meets the native forest dwelling people and establishes a settlement in Vinland with his traveling companions.
One evening, soon after his arrival in the wild but beautiful new land, he notices that an eerie silence has descended upon his village. Walking through the forest to the area where his friends live, he discovers, much to his horror, that all of his friendswomen and children includedhave died in their tracks and tents, As he buries his friends, he vows to befriend the forest dwellers and make a new life for himself in Vinland.
The many tribes who dwell in the dark spruce-forested woods are constantly warring with each other. Thorfinn, a Christian, seeks to bring an end to the fighting and to establish peace among all of the warring factions.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Michael Goldman is of Swedish and Indian descent. He was greatly influenced by his Indian grandmother, who introduced him to the beauty of the forest when he was a small boy. Being Swedish also meant being proud of his Viking heritage, which assisted in the development of this story.