Matthias Ehrhardt is coordinator of ITN STRIKE.and professor of mathematics at University of Wuppertal, Germany.
23 Ebooks bởi Michael Gunther
Magnus Fontes & Michael Günther: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2012
This book contains the proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, ECMI2012, held in Lund, Sweden, July 2012, at which ECMI celebrated its 25th anniversary. It cover …
Andreas Bartel & Markus Clemens: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the 10th International Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE), held in Wuppertal, Germany in 2014. The book is d …
Michael Günther & Marc Sens: Ignition Systems for Gasoline Engines
The volume includes selected and reviewed papers from the 3rd Conference on Ignition Systems for Gasoline Engines in Berlin in November 2016. Experts from industry and universities discuss in their p …
Matthias Ehrhardt & Michael Günther: Novel Methods in Computational Finance
This book discusses the state-of-the-art and open problems in computational finance. It presents a collection of research outcomes and reviews of the work from the STRIKE project, an FP7 Marie Curie …
Michael Günther & Marc Sens: Knocking in Gasoline Engines
The book includes the papers presented at the conference discussing approaches to prevent or reliably control knocking and other irregular combustion events. The majority of today’s highly efficient …
Michael Günther: Ausfüllen einer Vermögens-Subventions-Analyse (Unterweisung Bankkaufmann / -kauffrau)
Unterweisung / Unterweisungsentwurf aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Ad A Kaufmännische Berufe / Verwaltung, Note: 2.0, , Veranstaltung: Ausbildereignungsprüfung mündlicher Teil, Sprache: Deutsch, Ab …
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Michael Günther: Studienkreditmärke der OECD-Länder
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich VWL – Geldtheorie, Geldpolitik, Note: 2, 0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das deutsche Hochschulwesen ist in jüngster Zeit wiederholt in die Kritik gera …
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Michael Günther & Andreas Bartel: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2010
ECMI, the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, is the European brand associated with applied mathematics for industry and organizes highly successful biannual conferences. In this series, …
Michael Günther: Das Judentum in Richard Wagners ‘Ring des Nibelungen’: Eine kritische Diskussionsgeschichte
Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Musik – Sonstiges, Note: 1, 0, Universität Potsdam (Institut für Musik und Musikpädagogik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Richard Wagners Antisemitismus p …
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Michael Günther: Die standardisierte Notrufabfrage in den Leitstellen des Rettungswesens
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Technik, Note: 1, 3, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (Fachbereich Medizintechnik), Veranstaltung: Präklinische Notfalldiagnostik und -t …
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Sebastian Schöps & Andreas Bartel: Progress in Differential-Algebraic Equations
This book contains the proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Coupled Descriptor Systems held March 2013 in the Castle of Eringerfeld, Geseke in the neighborhood of Paderborn, Germany. It examines the wi …
Michael Günther: Coupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization in Nanoelectronics
Designing complex integrated circuits relies heavily on mathematical methods and calls for suitable simulation and optimization tools. The current design approach involves simulations and optimizatio …
Michael Günther: Das Judentum in Richard Wagners ‘Ring des Nibelungen’: Eine kritische Diskussionsgeschichte
Richard Wagners Antisemitismus polarisiert bis heute. Dabei geht es nicht um die Frage, ob Wagner Antisemit war, denn dies lässt sich anhand seiner Schriften eindeutig belegen. Vielmehr wird die Disk …
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Jenseits des Borderline-Syndroms
Psychoanalytische Sozialarbeit hat es zunehmend mit Kindern und Jugendlichen zu tun, deren Verarbeitungs- und Verhaltensmuster ihre bisherigen Arbeitsansätze infrage stellen: mit jungen Menschen (und …
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Francesco Knechtli & Michael Günther: Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
This book provides an overview of the techniques central to lattice quantum chromodynamics, including modern developments. The book has four chapters. The first chapter explains the formulation …
Michael Gunther & Dirk Hecht: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
rd This book presents a collection of selected contributions presented at the 3 International Workshop on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, SCEE-2000, which took place in Warnemiinde, G …
Michael Gunther & Ansgar Jungel: Finanzderivate mit MATLAB
In der Finanzwelt ist der Einsatz von Finanzderivaten zu einem unentbehrlichen Hilfsmittel zur Absicherung von Risiken geworden. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Studierende der (Finanz-) Mathematik und d …
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Michael Günther: Ignition Systems for Gasoline Engines
In addition to increasing electrifi cation, forecasts show a worldwide increase in the number of gasoline engines being produced. Rising industrialization will likely lead to 120 million new registra …
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Tim Jax & Andreas Bartel: Rosenbrock—Wanner–Type Methods
This book discusses the development of the Rosenbrock—Wanner methods from the origins of the idea to current research with the stable and efficient numerical solution and differential-algebraic syst …
Michael Günther & Wil Schilders: Novel Mathematics Inspired by Industrial Challenges
This contributed volume convenes a rich selection of works with a focus on innovative mathematical methods with applications in real-world, industrial problems. Studies included in this book are all …
Michael Gunther: Me-To-We
Amazon #1 Bestseller! Even the rosiest statistics show that most new businesses fail. In Me-To-We: The Shift Every Business Leader Must Make for Lasting Success, Michael Gunther describes how entrepr …
Matthias Ehrhardt & Michael Günther: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2021
This book gathers peer-reviewed contributions submitted to the 21st European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, ECMI 2021, which was virtually held online, hosted by the University of Wuppertal, …