Mục lục
Preface: Location and History
Nicolas Barreyre, Michael Heale, Stephen Tuck, and Cécile Vidal
Part One. Historiography
1. Watersheds in Time and Place: Writi...
Mục lục
Preface: Location and History
Nicolas Barreyre, Michael Heale, Stephen Tuck, and Cécile Vidal
Part One. Historiography
1. Watersheds in Time and Place: Writing American History in Europe
Michael Heale, Sylvia Hilton, Halina Parafianowicz, Paul Schor, and Maurizio Vaudagna
Part Two. Structures and Context
2. Using the American Past for the Present: European Historians and the Relevance of Writing American History
Tibor Frank, Martin Klimke, and Stephen Tuck
3. Institutions, Careers, and the Many Paths of U.S. History in Europe
Max Edling, Vincent Michelot, Jörg Nagler, Sandra Scanlon, and Irmina Wawrzyczek
4. Straggling Intellectual Worlds: Positionality and the Writing of American History
Nicolas Barreyre, Manfred Berg, and Simon Middleton
Part Three. Internationalization(s) of U.S. History
5. Writing American History from Europe: The Elusive Substance of the Comparative Approach
Susanna Delfino and Marcus Gräser
6. American Foreign Relations in European Perspectives: Geopolitics and the Writing of History
7. Location and the Conceptualization of Historical Frameworks: Early American History and Its Multiple Reconfigurations in the United States and in Europe 00
Trevor Burnard and Cécile Vidal
Part Four. Perspectives from Elsewhere
8. Positionality, Ambidexterity, and Global Frames
Thomas Bender
9. Reflections from Russia
Ivan Kurilla
10. Doing U.S. History in Australia: A Comparative Perspective
Ian Tyrrell
11. Viewing American History from Japan: The Potential of Comparison
Natsuki Aruga
12. Not Quite at Home: Writing American History in Denmark
David E. Nye
13. American History in the Shadow of Empire: A Plea for Marginality
François Furstenberg
Selected Bibliography
List of Contributors