If there was one thing that Sister Teresa Anthony, Vice-Principal of Our Lady of San Mercado Grammar School, could not abide, it was student misbehavior. She had her long wooden ruler withing easy reach in case any such abominable sin should raise its ugly head and require immediate retaliation. Oh, certainly there were worse things in the world and foremost among them was the unspeakable. S-E-X. Search as you will, you would never find in the curriculum of O.L.S.M. School, in its textbooks, in the lectures given by the dedicated nuns, or in the sermons declaimed by Father O’Tramerty, any reference to such a thing.
It was 1962 in San Mercado, California and John F. Kennedy, Our First Catholic President, was in the White House. The good nuns and many lay believers hoped for miracles. But the students were confused. What the hell was Sex, anyway?
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The author, a product of a Catholic education, has made every effort to avoid any hint of Doctrinal violation. From the sacred parishes of Central California to the Satanic fleshpots of S.F. and L. A., it has been a fearsome struggle. But who would ultimately triumph? And after all, Sister Teresa did promise remission of sins for the truly contrite.